Revenge or Mistake?

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Sup guys...I know it’s only been two days but its back haha... anyway that’s beside the point... as promised here is a longer than usual chapter. Enjoy ;) xx

Samantha's Pov

Although scary at first thinking about yesterday turn of events with Matt put a smile on my face. He is such a natural with Joshua, if only his daddy was that nice too. I love Matt and I think he makes the perfect best friend. We would have been good together apart from the fact that we were just friends and that Matt actually played for the other team. Something not that many people knew. Joshua woke up at 4:30am ensuring everyone else in the house was awake too. An hour later now and I still haven’t gone back to sleep so I think I should just get up since I have to get up at 6:30 anyway.

 Unka Matt said he would come by the house at 7 to see Joshua and drive me to work so no trains for me today thank God. I got up and started tidying up the house. With a baby there just isn’t time to do all this stuff during normal hours anyway. I already have me work stuff ready since I didn’t stay at work yesterday. Amy decided to come live with us permanently now and I was forever grateful for that but that meant she had to find a job around here and I had to get nursery for Joshua now Amy wouldn’t be home all the time.

 Matt got here just as I finished getting the breakfast ready and Joshua was wide awake. ‘Come to unka Matt little man’ I mean seriously what happened to the rest of us? He didn’t even greet Amy or me when he came in, straight on to Joshua. Oh well, he was irresistible.

 We were due in at work at 9 which meant 8:30 for us so we couldn’t stay playing with Joshua all morning. Matt was now begging to stay for the weekend although he knew the general meeting was meant to be on Monday with a welcoming dinner at the hotel he was staying at on Sunday.

 You’d think by listening to him that he was the dad but no. Anyway it was nice for Joshua to have someone else other than Amy and me so I agreed he could stay but that meant rearranging the house to accommodate him.

 We arrived at work at 8:25 so no worries there. There shouldn’t be that many people in yet, don’t think Charlie will be in yet but you never know.

 ‘Just on time as usual’ I hear his voice the moment I walk into the main office to place important papers on his desk five minutes later. ‘Good Morning to you sir’ I say formally. I don’t really know what the protocol is to address the father of my child though he doesn’t even know Joshua exists and at the same time address my boss.

 ‘Good morning Miss Robinson. Is that what you want? Keeping it formal between us with nothing intimate?’ where the hell did that question come from? Something intimate? What is that meant to mean? Maybe I should just go alone with it or is he just playing me?

 Since he’s my boss maybe I should keep it formal then. ‘Charlie this is not the place for intimacy’ Shit I was meant to say sir not Charlie.

 ‘Come on now we can do something fun for once, just for the good old days, promise not to go too far, just lunch then we can overcome this barrier you got up against me.’ Yeah he definitely lost it. He wants to go to lunch with the PA? Though not that bad… you only live once so I think I’ll do it.

 ‘Fine, if it makes you feel better then yeah we can go to lunch. But only lunch and I pay for my own food’ his expression changes suddenly and he starts laughing out loud.

 ‘You are an easy one missy. Do you always agree to dates with men that easily?’ why is he being like this? I hadn’t even done anything wrong to deserve this, I know I’m keeping his son away from him but that’s just another point entirely. ‘So you’re together with Matt and you still agree to come with me? I just came off the phone with him and he said he couldn’t go to a manly lunch with me as he was going to be with you’

Billionaire's Secret Baby (under editing on past chapters and new ones coming up :) ... )Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora