Round 1: Party Crashing Knights

661 22 36

It’s the annual Princess Ball, and undoubtedly, you are all dancing the night away, with your special someone held close, while you look your best in either a radiant ball gown of floor length, or a suit specifically tailored for you.

However, this night of memories, laughs, and dancing won’t last long. Soon, the grand doors of the ball room burst open, and the music and laughter falls to a dead silence. Knights who are brandishing their weapons rage through the crowd, picking out the eighteen of you in the Games. Taking you from the ball, kicking and screaming, and woman, with a cruel and vicious smile starts to speak.

“Hello all!” She says, flashing her teeth in what’s supposed to be a smile, but looks more like a vampire whose out for blood, “You shall be pleased to know that your sons and daughters are to be entered in this year’s Games!” She let out a tinkling laugh, which would have sounded pleasant, if it had not been for the circumstances.

“They will be placed in an arena, and forced to fight to the death!” Gasps followed her words, while she smiled her vicious smile with the same amount of enjoyment on her face.

“It will be televised for the world to see, but don’t worry, one of your precious princes or princesses will be coming back to you, safe and sound, isn’t that nice?” Laughing her tinkling laugh again, she faced the crowd who were still seething with anger.


~ You MUST write about the ball, and the knights coming to take you away.

~ You MUST involve the President showing up and her giving her speech about where you’re going. (Pick a President for this, either Cakestories [Cakes for short] Fantasy, or Perry)

~You MUST write about what you experience as you leave the ball dragged by the knights. Where do they take you, how do they take you, etc….

~There is no entry length limit.

~Entries MUST be turned in by the deadline or they will not count.

~There will be no killing another participant as of this challenge, there will be enough time for that later.

~See the rule book for rules that are to be followed at all times.


~Send your entry to us, via PM.



~SPECIAL TASK~ Describe you ball outfit in great detail, the two people’s we like the most (one Prince, one Princess) will have immunity granted to them for the next round. However, in order to keep you immunity, you will HAVE to turn you entry in that round still.



This is due on:  DECEMBER 27th at MIDNIGHT of CENTRAL TIME. Any entries submitted after this time will not count and will have a three point deduction taken from their final scores.

Happy Holidays! :D 

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