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A/N: Please note that this a one-shot of what happened in One Hell of Master with Izaya and Shizuo. Although you don't have to read necessarily it would be REALLY helpful for you if you did (and it would also make me really happy if you did read it c: )

The portal opened and a yellow-haired male stepped out of it. He didn't know the first thing about where he was but that didn't matter. All he needed to know was that he was safe...he had made it here safely. In his arms was a small child, a raven-headed red-eyed boy. He had traveled far just to protect this baby and was determined to lay down his life for it. He didn't care about what happened to the other fact he almost, he did wish that the other one didn't make it safely. Despite the age difference between this baby and him he still loved it. Besides, where they came from the baby was a lot older than he ever was. The purple-wearing blond stepped out into the streets and began his attempt at raising this child to become exactly like he was in the previous land.

"Izaya Orihara," the blonde said, "Welcome to your new home..."


"Ally-chan! Ally-chan!" the child said hugging the blonde. The blonde smiled at the child...he was still too young so the male had to behave himself. It was weird seeing his previous master at such a young age...and so devoted to him. He was previously attached to another blonde which made Alois mad just thinking about it. He wanted to keep Izaya far away from his other butler...he wanted Izaya to be just his...but he knew one day fate would bring them together just as it had done before. It was despicable but that was the truth.

"Yes Iza?" the blonde asked picking up the small child. Was he still a demon? No, because demons don't exist...but what if he was? What if the supernatural did exist in this place too? What then? This was supposed to be the one place where Izaya could live his life again. Alois was terrified at the thought one day he would become as weak as he once was. What would he do? He couldn't bear to lose his master a second time. That would be too much for him.

"I drew this picture for you," Izaya said holding up a small drawing of Alois and himself. Alois was touched, this tiny being was completely different to the person he was used to. They were both changing personalities so much just by being in this world.

It was terrifying.

But it was also exhilarating.

If only things could stay like this...

"It is amazing!" Alois said picking up Izaya. The raven-head giggled, proud of his work. Alois carried him into the kitchen and hung the drawing on the fridge. Proud of the fact Izaya was becoming so attached to him.

The two were living in a small apartment. It was all Alois could afford since being in this world. He hoped Izaya would never remember the luxuries of the previous world lest he try to go back. Alois hoped Izaya would never remember the other world at all. The blonde was having too much fun pretending to be a guardian angel to his demon.

The place they had landed in was called 'Japan' it took forever before Alois got used to the different terms for everything...and the technology. He had never seen such weird things before and it was incredibly weird but it didn't take long for him to get used to it all. He already knew the language it was incredibly similar to what they spoke back in the other world. It was just a matter of time before he could accept this place completely (just like Izaya had already).

"Ally-chan?" Izaya questioned. Alois was staring off into space for some reason.

"Yes?" he said being brought back into reality...this reality that is.

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