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"Izaya!" Shinra called running up to him in the hallway. "Stay after school today, okay? I have someone I want you to meet."

"Is it that Shizu-chan person?" Izaya asked. He wasn't very interested in meeting boring people but Shizuo seemed not-so-boring. Was it the inhuman strength she was rumored to have?

"'Shizu-chan'?" Shinra laughed. "I think he would kill you if he heard that."


Did Izaya miss interpret the name?

The raven-head thought for sure that 'Shizuo' was a girl's name but he was wrong. How odd. He wasn't usually wrong before. Now that he repeated the name a few times in his head he doesn't sound like a girl's name at all. So why had he thought it was?

"Sure, I will stay after," Izaya smirked. This Shizuo person was getting more and more interesting. Why would Alois try to keep him from such a person? It was almost like they were made for each other.

At the end of the day Izaya went to the tennis court where Shinra told him to go. Sitting there waiting for him was Shizuo Hewajima, or who he thought was Shizuo anyway. It seemed like him, from what he had been told.

"Shizu-chan? Is that you?" Izaya said walking over to the guy with a hop in his step. The man just glared he could tell this raven-head was someone he wouldn't get along with.

"Izaya Orihara? Why did Shinra want me to meet you so badly?" he asked, Izaya leaned over and smiled down at him. He couldn't explain why but for some reason he had an instant hatred for the guy. Something about him made Izaya want to push him off a cliff. They really were opposites.

"I haven't the slightest idea," Izaya plopped down next to the brunette and started playing with his hair. "Ne, have you ever thought about bleaching your hair? I bet you would make a really nice blonde..." Izaya suggested.

Shizuo swatted Izaya's hand away and glared for the second time at the male. "I will never become a blonde."

"Oh?" Izaya smiled at the glare as if to spite him. "That's a shame..."


The days went on and as Izaya's high school life continued, his relationship with Shizuo got worse. Izaya became increasingly annoying to all of those around him. He began to think less and less of humans as people and more of as a species. He would play pranks on his classmates and blame it on others just to see what they would do. He wanted reactions...but the best person to play with was Shizuo. Izaya could never figure out what Shizuo would do next and it was both annoying and amusing for him.

"IZZZZZZAAAAAAAYYYYYYYYAAAAAAAAAA-KUUUUNN!!!!" Shizuo's voice rang out across the school. It was common now-a-days for people to hear him yelling. Everyone knew the two hated each other...or at least that Shizuo hated Izaya. No one really knew how Izaya felt about Shizuo but how could a guy like Izaya feel anything for a person?

"Oh, Shizu-chan, don't you know I can't spend all my time playing with you? I have schoolwork you know..." Izaya laughed at the dyed-blonde.

Shizuo ignored the comment and instead tried to throw a desk at his annoying foe. The desk missed. Normally, Shizuo wasn't this easily aggravated. Sure, he did have a short temper but something about Izaya made the darkest pieces of him surface. There was no self-control when this raven-head was involved. He couldn't explain it but Izaya brought out the darkness in everyone and it really pissed him off. He wanted to kill him and do the world a favor.

The now-blonde male was always getting dragged into fights and things because of Izaya. He hated it. He hated himself. All of his life he had tried to hide his strength and be normal...but this guy always tried to show it off. Izaya was always forcing him into situations where he would have to use his inhuman strength. Piles of rumors were being stacked onto the pre-existing ones. How could he live a normal life if Izaya was forcing him into this chaos?

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