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Izaya looked out his apartment window. The day was dreary with clouds that threatened rain. He loved this weather for some made him feel refreshed.

The raven-head had been having reoccurring nightmares. Every couple of days a dream would wake him up, only to have him forget everything. What was he dreaming about that caused him such torment? Izaya didn't know and it bothered him. He had even taken some time off from his hobby just to sort things out with himself.

Izaya hadn't told Alois anything about this, didn't want to worry him. He didn't even talk to his sisters anymore unless it was an emergency. He had no need to, they weren't interesting enough to play with. Some people even wondered if he cared for them at all. The answer was yes, he did care, but barely. If you were to show up saying they had died...he wouldn't cry he would nod and move on. Humans died, that is what they did. However, if you were to show up and say someone injured them, Izaya might get revenge (but only for his own selfish reasons not because he cared about his sisters getting hurt but because he wanted to show people he wouldn't tolerate someone hurting his family without his permission).

Izaya placed his hand to his head, it was throbbing and he didn't know why. He didn't drink anything the night before so he shouldn't hungover. What is the cause of this strange behavior? He didn't have any ideas at all. The thought never crossed his mind that he might not be from this world. He always felt different from other humans but he just thought that was because of his god complex (which is partially Alois's fault for him having one). He never really considered the idea that he might actually be one of the 'urban legends' the dullahan. Why would he ever consider the fact he might be a demon? Demons didn't exist...but the same could be said about saika and dullahans.

"I don't know what is going on with me and I really hate not knowing," Izaya grumbled to himself. "Maybe I should go on a walk.

The raven-head grabbed his characteristic jacket and left his apartment to walk the streets. Maybe he would go to Ikebukuro and torment Shizuo just to get his mind off of this terrible ache in his head.

That is exactly what he did.

Well, what he intended to do, Izaya ended up stopping by Russia Sushi instead.

"Welcome, welcome!" Simon smiled bringing Izaya to his table. He suggested something on the menu and Izaya nodded. He didn't care what he ate he just wanted something, anything.

Simon took his order and left. Izaya looked around the restaurant, no one he recognized was eating there. That was both good and bad for him. How was he supposed to irritate people if they weren't there? Whatever, no matter.

Izaya's head ached more and more. The room began to spin and his eyesight grew blurry. Izaya could barely see until like magic he could. His head stopped hurting and everything was just a memory now. What had happened? What changed? Izaya looked around the room again, good, no one seemed to notice what just happened. Something was different though, Shizuo walked in. Why did Shizuo coming into Russia Sushi stop his head from hurting and his vision from blurring? Izaya was a tad bit more than confused and couldn't help himself from starring at Shizuo.

Let me tell you that the weird rumor of if you look at someone long enough they will eventually look at you...that is true.

Shizuo felt Izaya's gaze on him and turned to look him in the eyes. The two starred at each other for quite some time before Shizuo walked over and sat down on the other side of the table.

Well this was new.

Izaya expected him to throw something at some point.

Why was Shizuo being so calm?

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