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Izaya wondered about this for a while until his head began to throb again. The raven-headed male placed a hand on his desk to steady himself. It was hurting worse than ever now. Izaya looked up for a brief moment and saw himself standing before him.

What kind of nonsense is this?

Except it wasn't himself. It was someone who looked like him. Someone with sharp teeth and bat-like wings. He was wearing an outfit similar to what Dracula would be described as wearing.

"Who are you?" Izaya asked the hallucination.

"No, Izaya, who were you?" it answered poking Izaya in the chest causing him to take a step back.

"Who was I?" Izaya asked confused.

"Who were you? You were me...or don't you remember?" the vampire-ish version of Izaya spoke walking around the room. "This is a nice place you have here, it isn't anything like what I lived in. Shizu isn't anything like I remember either...but that's okay. He loves you and that is all that matters."

"'Shizu'?" Why did he say 'Shizu'? Izaya always called Shizuo 'Shizu-chan' to get on his nerves (and because the thought it was a cute nickname). Shizu without the 'chan' just didn't sound right.

"Shizu-chan doesn't love me. I don't know why he said that...he can't love me...he hates me...right?" Izaya said. He didn't know for sure what was what when it involved Shizuo but now he knew even less.

"Oh but he does," the other Izaya said. He sat on the couch and patted the spot next to him. Izaya, without having any reason to refuse, sat next to himself.

"When you were me," the other Izaya pointed to himself. "Shizu was your butler because of a contract you made to stay together. He agreed to serve you because he loved you...well loves you...but he isn't your butler here."

"Here? Are you saying I'm not from here?" Izaya furrowed his eyebrows and frowned. This was becoming more and more like nonsense. Maybe he was the one on the drugs.

"Do you honestly think you would look like this in a world like this?" the other Izaya gestured to himself.

"So then, what am I?" Izaya asked. Before the other Izaya could answer, the door to his apartment burst open. Standing there, was Alois.

"Iza..." Alois said walking over to Izaya. "You've started remembering haven't you?" Alois cupped Izaya's face with his hands and looked him in the eyes. Izaya nodded, he didn't really understand the question but figured the answer was yes. If anything the other Izaya said was true...then he had begun to remember who he was. How did Alois know that though? He had never told him of the dreams or the headaches...but Alois did know Izaya too well. At times it seemed like Alois knew him better than he knew himself

Alois pinned Izaya to the couch, making sure he wouldn't try to fight back. "I won't allow it," Alois said. "I won't allow you to remember Shizuo. I won't. You are mine now. I finally got you all to myself I won't have Shizuo take you away. The first time wasn't a fair fight and this isn't fair either." Alois was straddling the younger male and holding his hands against the back of the couch. The blonde's face was incredibly close to Izaya's. They could feel each other's breath.

"A-Ally-chan..." Izaya muttered. Before he could say anything else Alois kissed Izaya. He forced himself on the raven-head thousands of times prior but this time was different. He wasn't being gentle, he was being rough. Izaya wasn't used to Alois being so direct. It was unusal...but not bad. The years of Alois holding back were starting to show themselves in this kiss. He was angrily attacking Izaya's mouth forcing his tongue in. Izaya let out a small yelp when Alois bit his lower lip causing it to bleed. The blonde licked the wound earning another yelp from Izaya which turned into a moan as Alois continued to deepen the kiss.

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