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Alois had run to the top of Izaya's apartment complex. He was done with trying to live in a place where nothing worked for him. He was tired of living at all.

Back in the other world, he lived a terrible life under the hands of Claude Faustus.

He was only redeemed by Izaya who killed his foe.

And Izaya would never look his way.

One could argue that he only loved Izaya because Izaya was his hero but Alois didn't care either way. Love was love to him it had many forms and shapes but it was all the same.

An intense longing to be noticed by another human (or demon).

Alois stepped out onto the rooftop. The wind forced him to take a small step back. He wasn't expecting it to be so windy but it did make sense considering how tall this building was.

The blonde made his way over to the railing and stepped over it. He held onto the railing and looked down.

This was a nice way to die.

It wasn't a very well thought out plan but at least it was quick.

"It was nice knowing you," he spoke to himself as the tears fell from his face. He let go of the railing and had full intentions of jumping but a voice from behind distracted him.

"Oh? Does thou wish to meet with Death?" the voice said.

Alois turned to look at where the voice had come from. A male slightly taller than him with silvery-grey hair stood. His eyes were a lovely crystal blue and he smiled with much interest into what Alois would do next.

"Who're you? I didn't think anyone but I was up here," Alois thought aloud.

"Who I be does not hold any significance to you," the male said. He climbed on top of the railing and stood. He began to walk along it balancing himself with his arms making weird facial expressions each time he nearly slipped.

Alois just watched as he did this. Was he planning to die as well?

"Do not hold back on my account. Please, continue, I shall see you again regardless of what thou do," the male smiled. His teeth seemed too perfect and his careless attitude too reckless. The sunlight shone on his hair making it seem like there was a small halo above his head. Is this his guardian angel? Sent to change his mind? But this male didn't seem to have any intentions of saving him. In fact, he was more likely to watch as he fell.

"Are thee not going to jump?" the male sat on the railing and swung his feet like a child. Alois was reminded of who he was in the other world. "Or would thou like some help?" the angel quickly turned to a demon. That radiant smile turned into a devilish grin and he pushed Alois off the roof of the building.

Alois fell off the roof back first. He stared at the blue sky ignorant of when the ground would meet him. Why did he have the misfortune of meeting such a person before his death? It made him second guess himself.

Did he really want to die?

"So thou does not wish to die any longer?" the male suddenly appeared behind Alois once again. He wrapped his arms around the male and suddenly they were not falling any longer. They were flying...but how?

The silvery-grey haired male flew Alois back to the top of the building and placed him on the roof. Alois promptly turned around to see how such a person could have flown.

Wings, the same color as his hair, had somehow appeared on the male. Instant growth? Perhaps...

"What? Does thou believeth in demons but not angels?" the male laughed at the expression on Alois's face.

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