Chapter 1 (Escape and Arrival)

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Me: Hey-o! I'm back with another chapter!

Danny: So is there a specific reason why I'm eleven?

Me: Yeah, of course there is!

Danny: Then what is it?

Me: You'll find out soon enough.

Danny: *sigh* You're not going to tell me are you?

Me: Nope! Now, disclaimer please!

Danny: Waves-Of-Fury doesn't own Danny Phantom or it's characters.

Harry: She also doesn't own Harry Potter or it's characters.

Me: Thanks! Wait *turns to Harry* You're not supposed to be here yet!

Harry: Uh...I don't know where 'here' is but I'll just be in the corner then.

Me: Okay, you go do that. Now, ON WITH THE STORY!


Danny POV

I sat quietly in the corner of my cell. 'Today's the day' I thought as I stared at the floor hugging my knees closer to my chest.

A sliver of light streamed into the room as my cell door opened. I lifted my head to see Maddie standing in the doorway.

"Get up ghost scum, it's time to start the tests." She said.

I gave a small snort, ' 'ghost scum' ' I thought bitterly, ' Not her 'precious baby boy' anymore, just 'freak' or 'monster' or simply 'ghost' ' I stood up and slowly made my way over to her, the chains around my wrists and ankles jangling as I walked.

Once I was within arms length Maddie snatched my arm and pulled me towards her. She unlocked the chains around my ankles so that I wouldn't trip and screw up whatever they had planned for me.

She pulled me forward and three other guards flanked me as she walked in front, her blue HAZMAT suit sticking out like a sore thumb against all the white of the GIW facility.

'It's now or never.' I thought as we neared the examination/ test room. With all the force I could muster with my powers being prohibited, I pulled my arms apart and shattered the cuffs, making them fall to the ground with a 'clang'. I jumped high in the air as the three agents dove at where I once was.

Maddie drew an ecto gun from one of the various pockets of her suit and aimed it at me. But before she could shoot I turned and shot down the hallway--flying at top speed.

As I flew red alarm lights flashed and blared as I attempted to navigate the halls.

After many turns, and getting lost more than once, I finally found the exit. A few guards stood in the way, Maddie and Jack being at the front.

"Sorry, but not sorry, about this." I mumbled to myself as I launched a decent sized ectoblast at the group and they broke apart.

Quickly turning intangible I shot out the double doors and into sunlight and fresh air. The first time I had witnessed either since I was 7.

And then I flew off leaving the place behind forever. Never to return again.

~Now I could leave it here...but I won't!~

I flew through the sky. The wind in my hair would usually be calming, but not today.

As I flew, I was terrified, but also relieved. I was away, finally, finally free! After four years of torture and pain I was free.

I began to slow down, spotting a small town below me I flew down into a park and changed back.

I walked over and hopped the fence--just in case anyone else was around.

Looking around I found that I was in a small neighborhood, I began to walk down the street...but then I tripped...right into another person.

"Oh! I'm sorry!" I said.

"No, It was my fault! I wasn't looking where I was going."

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine. I have to go, bye!"

And with that they rushed off down the street, disappearing around the corner.

I debated running after them, but some things are better left alone. So I continued walking, down that same street, around that same corner, but the mystery person was gone, just an empty street with me walking down it.

I continued on my path until I came across a house with a 'For Sale' sign on it. I took a once-over of the house, it looked quite old and I wondered why it was still on the market. I shrugged and took the sign, then I phased in through the font door. I took a look around and saw that the place was pretty well furnished and was actually pretty nice--considering it's outwards appearance.

I nodded to myself deciding that, maybe tomorrow I could see if I could get someone to hire an eleven year old, and that I would get better/more decent clothes.

But for now, I sat the sign down and walked over to the couch and fell down. I curled in on myself and began to cry, letting out all the pain, sorrow and all the pent up emotions I had held inside. I cried until I was finally pulled into the sweet release of sleep.


Me: Done! Chapter one complete!

Danny: Still don't get why I'm eleven.

Harry: Because it's-

Me: *covers Harry's mouth* NOTHING! Did you just lick my hand?

Harry: *nods*

Me: Ew. *wipes hand on Harry's shirt*

Danny: I still don't know who he is.

Harry: I'm-

Me: *gives Harry death glare* If you don't shut up you shall regret it.

Harry: *Flinches* Geez, she can be scary.

Danny: *shivers* You don't know the half of it.

Me: *smiles innocently*. Anyway, that's all for now. What did you think? Until next time, bye!

The Philosopher's StoneOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora