Chapter 5 (Party)

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Me: Heh heh. Hi. *dodges all sorts of spells and things*


Me: I know and I'm sorry! Even more so cuz this kinda does and doesn't really progress the story.

Readers: What?

Me: It brings Danny, Dan, Phil, and Tyler closer together, but no ground breaking things from the Harry Potter books are in here. PLEASE JUST ENJOY THIS CHAPTER UNTIL I CAN PROGRESS THE STORY IN THE NEXT ONE!

Readers: *cast spells and throw bricks/ rocks at Voldemort instead* Fine. You're safe. ...for now.

Me: Phew. Anyway, I don't own Danny Phantom, or Harry Potter and it's characters. I also don't own Dan, Phil, or Tyler they are their own people that would be slavery. Anyway, ONTO THE STORY!



"There we go! Now, let's get this thing started!" Tyler exlaimed.

They all laughed and Danny phased them all inside.

"That felt strange." Dan said.

"That was awesome!" Phil all but shouted. "What else can you do with your powers?"

And this began their night of excitement. And by extent the beginning of their little makeshift family.


"Alright!" Tyler said clapping his hands together, "Let the fun begin!"

"Uh...Tyler?" Dan asked grabbing the mint haired boy's attention.


"Shouldn't we have food and drinks and maybe some music?" Dan asked, "Oh and maybe some lights?"

"...Right. Hey, Danny?" Tyler asked turning to said eleven year old.

"Yeah?" Danny asked.

"Could you run back to the cafe really quickly and grab some food and drinks? We'll take care of lights." Tyler said.

"Sure." Danny said before transforming and flying off, invisible mind you, and getting the snacks and drinks, along with his school stuff (somehow).

By the time he got back, Danny saw a fully lit up house and three people waiting on the couch for him to return.

Once landed, Danny set down his school stuff, transformed back to his human form and placed the snacks and drinks on the island that connected the kitchen and living room (this is what I'm calling it. Fight me.)

"Okay now let's get this party started!" Tyler exclaimed as he jumped up from the couch.

"Alright, what first?" Phil asked standing up.

"How about a few rounds of truth or dare?" Tyler suggested, a very faint smirk on his face.

"Alright." Dan, Phil, and Danny agreed.

The four sat in a circle going Dan, Phil, Tyler, Danny.

"Okay, Danny, truth or dare?" Dan asked, starting the game.

"Um, truth." Danny said.

"How old were you when you got your powers?" Dan asked.

Danny thought for a few seconds, "About 5 and a half."

The other three looked shocked.

"That young?" Phil asked.

Danny nodded. "Anyway," he said, "Phil, truth or dare?"

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