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The sun started creeping beneath the horizon as the day approached towards its end. Amelia could feel the faint breeze caressing her skin as she peeped through the small window. The evening was just like any other evening in Prussia, yet the silence was something new. As the evening aura changed the color of the sky, thousand memories raced through her mind- her childhood, her home, magical forest, and above all Bryony. 

"It's all for Bryony" she reassured herself and turned towards the red wedding gown showcased in her room. Slowly she approached the felt it. It was soft and of high quality. The floor length dress would soon encase her petite body for tomorrow's function. She turned around her room, and her eyes rested on the tea that the maid placed it on the table a while ago. She didn't want to drink any of it. Her freedom has been long lost, and after tomorrow, she will have no control over herself- zayden have ensured that. She sat on the bed heaved a sign and watched the sunset- her last sunset. A knock reverberated through the stone walls and with a clang the door to her room opened. A maid stood near the entrance head bowed modestly.

"The king has asked if there's anything you need, princess" the maid started in a voice full of monotone

"Freedom" her heart cried out, yet keeping her composure she answered "nothing in particular" she turned her face towards the other side "you may go now, the princess wishes for some solitude." A loud clang and chains in their place showed that the maid had returned. "zayden" she slowly spelled his name "one day, I will make sure you burn" her eyes changed from emerald green to wine red In a matter of seconds as she looked into her hands. Without Bryony, she cannot completely channel her powers. Just like a wounded lioness- she can growl. Over past few months, she had gone through a lot for the kingdom, for her family but failure has hit her hard.

A slow rattling of door chains followed by a cautious shift of the door brought her back to senses. She sharply turned her head towards the door and stood up.

"Noel!" she was about to shout in ecstasy when the boy swiftly moved and closed her mouth

"shh.. Will you kill me or what?"

"I apologize. But how did you? - Are you insane? Move out of here right now, if Zayden sees-"

"Will you shut up dimwit? The hell was going through your mind? Zayden won't know I have stolen the keys from the prime-maid and" he hissed angrily "WE DON'T HAVE TIME."

"Time for what exactly? It's all lost" she sighed when Noel shook her hard

"Wake up princess, are you seriously out of your mind? Do you know what can happen to your people? To us? After your decision is executed? I knew you were a dumb ass but never thought you are such a stupid thickhead that you would walk through the hall and agree for submission? Submit to be his WIFE? Do you realize what it means? You are going to destroy the whole kingdom with your own hands?"

"There's no way Noel, try to understand, and for me, Bryn is more important, and moreover I can't escape this is my kingdom, I am responsible" a wave of disappointment swept over her.

"Will explain you later, look I have mixed sleeping herbs in the tea of every castle guard, and within a few hours all are going to sleep like a log, take this map, and follow the route- the wise old man has opened a path for you to escape to a different world. Before the pass way closes get through it, the guards won't be able to track you. Don't worry about Bryony- zayden won't kill her, he knows he will become powerless without you and killing her makes you helpless. And I am here I will look after her" he finished his words in a single go.

"" startled Amelia widened her eyes

"I don't have much time if prime maid searched for I am finished, won't even be here for Bryony" he cupped his hands over her small startled face and whispered "please trust me, for once." we need to save the kingdom, please for your people's sake, you need to run, everything will be destroyed if you marry that tyranny. our hopes our freedom. think about us princess, please"

Those words gave Amelia a new hope "for the sake of the kingdom. I will"

"Great then here's something for you, " and Noel put a key inside her wristband that restricts her powers.

"At Sharp quarter to nine, open the lock with your charm, and move out. Follow the map. Remember sharp quarter to nine" with these words Noel swiftly exited the room putting the locks in place.

"Sharp quarter to nine" Amelia repeated to herself and gathered her courage back. She trusted Noel. Noel had been at her disposal since her childhood. Son of the Palace head guard, he was appointed as Amelia and bryony's guard. Since then he had never let her down. She looked at the clock it was half past seven. She waited for few minutes and rang the bell for the maid. Within few minutes a servant appeared at her disposal.

"The princess wished to have her dinner in her room and would like to rest early. It's going to be a tiring day tomorrow" she ordered

"Certainly princess, I shall arrange for the same" and the maid left.


The clock struck half-past eight as she wildly hunted for the necklace. She remembered keeping it on the table, and now it seems to have vanished. She looked high and low for the ornament when the clock showed quarter to nine. According to plan, she needs to move. But without her necklace, she can't. She kept searching and finally found it beneath the bed and opened the door locks. As planned, the whole palace seemed to have fallen asleep. It was already nine, and she needs to make her move fast.

Guided by the map, she climbed down the tower stairs and took a left towards the main hall. From there while taking a right for the dungeons, a maid spotted her.

Panic-stricken she started running

"Damned this dress" she hissed angrily as it got stuck in a nail at the dungeons. She heard a loud bell ring, and she knew- the hunt has been started. She quickened her pace for the secret passage under the 6th cell which Noel has kept open for her. As soon as she entered the cell, she heard some footsteps in the dungeon, and one of the soldiers shouted

"There she is" the soldier ordered other to get hold of her when she opened the passage and jumped. She sealed the passage with her charms and ran frantically towards the third turn. Her magic is weak, won't be able to hold them for long

"Just reach the forest somehow" she prayed.


The wise old man was waiting for Amelia since past hour and started getting worried. The portal is going to close anytime now. If Amelia fails to reach in time, his energy might not be enough to open another one. She tried establishing the connection with Amelia, but the palace is all guarded against outer magic invading it. He just prayed for her reach.

Far off in the distance, she saw a shadowy figure running towards him. The emerald gown swept through the magical forest as she reached the old man.

"quickly get in" he pushed her into the mysterious pass way and closed the passage just in time when soldiers have started arriving at the spot.

"may God keep her safe" he wished.

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