Unknown Events

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“Jun I am bored” Risa entered Jun’s room and shouted
“why didn’t you knock?” irritated Jun replied.
Jun was practically spread eagled on the floor of his room with all his mini gadgets, pens, papers, and stuff surrounding him. It was a mess.
“what a mess!” Risa said
“I said, don’t just enter my room without my permission. I want my privacy” Jun fixed his gazed toward the dark blue eyes of Risa. For the first time he felt mesmerized. He snapped out of it immediately “if you are bored go help Linda with her work” he said turning back to his previous position.
“I want to go out” Risa said
“No you can’t, Risa.” Jun replied
“Why?” Risa walked up to Jun and stood in front of his face. For the first time Risa also noticed Jun’s face carefully. Jun was quite handsome, thanks to his mom. He has got her eyes. She moved her face facing a blank wall.
“Because one. Who knows the people who are after you might be looking out for you. And two. You don’t know this place you might get lost” Jun replied “it’s for your safety”
“I can take care of myself.” Risa stated
“No you certainly can’t. at least not now. You need proper rest to heal”
“I didn’t ask you Jun, I stated. I am going out now for a quick walk. The market is nearby I have seen people go. I just need a walk” Risa said
“You can take a walk in the garden. Isn’t that big enough for the royalty?” Jun poked the pin at wrong place.
Risa was silent. Jun immediately regretted speaking out that “look I am sorry but we are yet to find out who you are. I am concerned you might get lost or return with another blow on your head” Jun completed
“Jun? I need a change in atmosphere. I am not you. You are stuck in your cozy little room whole day. You hardly go anywhere. I feel suffocated keeping myself inside the room no matter how large it seems to be.” She looked down “also, I am desperate to know who I am. Maybe if I take a trip down, I may find something familiar.” She said
Finally Jun gave up. “If you are so persistent, then take this.” He handed her a cellphone.
“In case you forget your way back to home, press the 1 button and the call button. I shall answer you and come to you”
Her eyes lit up. “Don’t worry, I won’t take much time” she said and left Jun’s room.
Jun went back to his thoughts “Damned this girl!” he sighed.
Risa stepped out of the wrought iron gate and followed few ladies walking towards the market. It didn’t take her long before she reached a crowded place. Hawkers were shouting their lungs out to sell their goods. This fascinated Risa. She started taking a walk along all the makeshift shops. Linda has given her some money and has explained how it works. She is a quick learner. Linda asked to accompany her but she wanted to explore it all by herself.
No matter how hard she tried the place looked unfamiliar to her. It took her twenty minutes to go through whole market and memorize the areas. Evening started creeping back and she had to retrace her steps back to home. She started walking in one direction but realized she has taken one wrong turn.
“oh crap, I have to go back to market and ask someone to help me with the direction” she thought And Started walking towards the market. Suddenly she heard a sound. She cocked her ears to find out which direction the sound is coming. She followed the low thumping sound and came across a dark alleyway. She cautiously looked into the alleyway where she saw few people were beating a person lying on the ground. Her eyes widened and she let out an inaudible gasp. Gradually the body stopped moving and one of the men pointed a gun towards the man lying on the ground. He fired three shots one after the other.
“shit they are killing the man!” she thought. Shiver ran down her spine. Suddenly Risa’s cellphone began vibrating. All men turned their heads towards her.
She knew she had landed in a big trouble. Her face became pale and she started running. She didn’t care which direction it was. The men started following her. She picked up the call. It was Jun. “what the hell Risa, it’s already 7. Where are you?” Jun shouted from the other end.
“Jun you need to hurry up here. Please” Risa voice cracked. Her reflexes told her that the men are not far behind and soon they would be caught up with her. Darkness proved to be a great disadvantage for her as she stumbled and fell. She could hear running noise and somebody shouted “there she is, quick” her heart sank. She picked herself up and turned right into a dead end. This is it. This is the end. “Where I have landed myself? These people have killed someone and they won’t be afraid to go for another kill” she turned when the men were already blocking the entry. “I am sorry Jun, I should have listened to you” she thought.
“Sneaking up to us, eh?” one of the men said
All other men laughed “look at that, it’s a girl.”
“We can take her with us”
“Or kill her, the secret dies with her as well”
She knew she was on the frying pan which is yet to lit. “I didn’t see anything, I promise.” She pleaded. The men laughed. “Then cheery why did you run?” one of them asked.
“Stop it. Kill her or take her. We can’t risk being seen. Do it fast”
“Let’s get over with it” one of the men pointed his gun towards her. She felt her end is near. She closed her eyes . “NO, YOU WILL DO NOTHING” she shouted. She opened her eyes. Her iris has turned red and glowing in the dark. The men took one step back. “Shoot her idiot” one of the men commanded. And he shot three bullets. The bullet hit an invisible force field and rebound back.
“GET OFF ME” a voice boomed and the goons were blasted off the entrance. She walked slowly towards the entrance. She turned towards the goons. “GUILTY, YOU KILLED SOMEONE. AND TO HIDE IT YOU WERE GOING TO KILL ANOTHER ONE”
“Holy shit what the hell is this?” one of the men shouted “what are you?” her voice have started attracting people from nearby areas and they could her some shouting and running footsteps. Without wasting any time, the men got up and vanished into the dark. Risa’s eyes got back to normal and before she could realize anything darkness crept before her eyes.
She was running across the same hallway again. An unknown unseen voice reverberated through the hallway “how long do you think you can escape?” the voice pushed an unknown terror inside her body and she quickened her pace. The voice started laughing “you will never get away from me, never” this time the hallway started twisting and narrowing. She felt suffocated. She started running towards the end. A vine crept from her back and started strangling her. She pulled the vine but it got tighter and tighter. “you are mine” a voice hissed.
“NOOO, WAIT!” she screamed.
“Risa, what’s wrong?” Jun rushed towards her bedside “what happened?”
“I had a nightmare. Wait! I am alive?” she looked astounded.
“Yes, princess.” Jun said. He shifted uncomfortably in his seat.
“But, they were about to kill me. Did you- did you made them go? I might have passed out of fear”
“Yes you were out cold and I carried you back home.” Jun said
“Thank you Jun,” she said
“You don’t really remember what happened or what you did?” Jun asked
“I did what?” Jun looked away “Jun tell me” she persisted
“You were- sort of. I mean to say- somewhat- how to say it- different” he replied
“yes Jun I was frightened. I was about to get killed”
“It wasn’t fright that I saw Risa”
“Then what was that you saw?”
“Rage. Your eyes were burning red. You were hovering inches from the ground, you bloody blasted those bastards out of the alleyway” Jun finished in one breathe “what are you?”
She could not believe what she heard. “Look Jun, it was already dark. You could have imagined. I was unconscious since I was trapped in the alleyway. I thought I was dead for god’s sake”
“Do you look dead now? He said
She fell silent “look princess, you seemed to have some sort of supernatural power. I saw it. It was as if you transformed” he said. “Are you a witch?”
“I don’t know. Right now I have no idea Jun. I think its stupid. I feel no power, no presence. I should feel it if I had anything inside me. But no. I feel quite normal, just like you, just like Linda.” She said
“You need to rest. I shall tell Linda to serve you dinner at your. You look pale and weak” he said and started leaving the room.
“And princess, I am yet to hear an explanation on how you landed yourself in trouble the first time you went out alone”
“I guess I owe an apology” she said
She couldn’t believe what Jun just said. She tried to lift the chair lying beside her bed with her mind. She concentrated hard. The chair didn’t budge.
“supernatural power” she laughed.

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