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Jun pulled the chair that was lying carelessly in the corner of the room and sat on it facing the girl. This whole time he saw no change in expression on her face. He could sense something, and now he needs to know it.

"So, are you feeling alright?" he asked

"A bit" she cut short

"Who are you?" he asked

"That is what I want to know. I don't seem to remember anything. Who am I?" she replied

"You don't remember who you are? How you fell from such a great height and hurt yourself?" Jun carried on

The girl took a moment to reply

"No. do you know?" she asked

"Of course not. I found you in the forest."

"And I thank you for that" she replied

She doesn't seem to help a lot. Hurting her head might have wiped out her memory. "It seems like you have no memory of your present or your past."

"I afraid it is so," she said

"How can she be so cool? Is she faking? No, her expressions are genuine but the way she answers she is getting on my nerves" Jun thought

"Are you from any British royalty families who have been chased? Don't mind but your clothes were sort of royal. You talk royal."

"Do you know which royalty I belong to?" she replied. "Now she is getting on my nerves," Jun thought

"Look, I have nothing to do you. I know nothing about you. You need to tell me, so that know who you are."

"If I had known I would have said it to you as an answer to your second question," she said

Jun gave up. "Ok, you can take your rest. You need anything just call Linda."

"Excuse me" she called him back

"Hmm?" Jun turned back

"I need to shower. Do you have clothes?" she said

"I- I have clothes but, they are all mine. And I am a boy." Jun looked apologetic

"Give me some of your clothes then. I need to shower." She said

Jun looked at her intense expressions and gave in. "ok, I shall send you my clothes but for today. Tomorrow, please go with Linda to get some for you" he said

"Why Linda?" she asked

"Because I have school" Jun replied "and since I live alone, you can use this room as long as you want. Till then I shall try to find your identity, if you really are some sort of royal princess or duchess or whatever" Jun said and left the room.

"And till you get your memory back, let's call you Risa for now," he said to give one last glance towards her.

"Risa" she repeated to herself.


"How do you intend to get her memory back, master?" Linda asked

"I have no clue, Linda. She is so different. She has lost her memory, can't name her place, can't explain how she fell from that bloody height." Jun said while assisting Linda with the groceries. He loved shopping with Linda. They talked about many things. "Mum doesn't know that I have a girl in her house," Jun said while opening the gate for Linda.

"Let's not worry about that right now, master. Mistress won't be here for another year."

"I know but- leave" Jun entered the living room where he found Risa fidgeting with the television remote. She jumped two feet behind when the Television was switched on. Jun Laughed

"It's a television princess; you know what a television is?" Jun asked

"I- I didn't mean to do something with this I was just curious" she replied. Jun took the remote and started explaining how television works.

"So you are telling me those people out there are who have been recorded, and we are seeing them here in this box?" her honesty made Jun laugh

"Basically yes" Jun replied. "Anyways enjoy television I have works to do." He said and went upstairs.

Risa looked at him and started following him upstairs. "Hey, you don't have to follow me everywhere. You are not my puppy" Jun retorted

"Why Do you think that I am following you instead of wishing to check your house?" she replied

"Do whatever you want. Just stay away from my room" Jun said and closed the door of his room on her face.


Risa went up to the terrace of Jun's house. It won't be wrong if you call it a mansion. She went to the edges and let the cool night's breeze brush against her face. She stayed there enjoying the slow breeze, light ruffling sound of leaves brushing against each other. She closed her eyes and tried remembering who she was and how she landed here. After a few futile tries she muttered:

"I have to find out who I am".

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