Strange Things

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She was running through an empty corridor. Her mind was confused. She could feel an unknown presence that was undoubtedly not comforting. She quickened her pace-somehow she needs to cross the hallway. With every step, she took, the presence got nearer and nearer. "You are mine" she could hear a voice inside her head, and suddenly the hallway started narrowing. She started running .somehow she needs to reach the end but she couldn't. The walls close around her, and she shouted out "wait stop."

She woke up with a start. She was in a state of confusion when her surrounding started to come into a focus. A middle-aged woman entered her room within seconds of her waking. She turned her head towards her.

"Thank god you woke up," the woman said while hunting for a thermometer frantically, "the doctor said you wouldn't be up for few more days."

She pushed the thermometer towards her "here, take that in your mouth."

The girl looked dazed and started twirling the thermometer in her hands "take that in my mouth? Who are you?" she looked bewildered. She looked at her hands and scanned the room "where am I?" she added.

"Oh, you have no idea? You were lying in the forest- big cut at the back of your head sprained legs and arm. Master Jun found you." She replied

"Master Jun found me?" she asked still in a state of confusion. Deciphering anything from her expressions was hard.

"Yes, Dearie- now-now! your temperature seems normal" the woman said looking at the readings of the thermometer. "Don't worry dear; you can rest for now. Don't stress yourself" the woman reassured her lightly putting her back to bed and covering her with a blanket "don't worry master will be back soon." She said while exiting her room.

"But, who are you?" she asked

"I am Linda-just a caretaker, miss. I take care of the master. And I would request you to hold your queries till master is home. He would answer you better." and Linda went away.

She carelessly ran her bandaged hands over her heavily bandaged head. "How did I end up in such a state?" she thought the more she put her effort into remembering things she couldn't remember, the more her head hurt. She retired to sleep when all her efforts went in vain.


"So students, I hope yesterday's assignment is complete; I would request you to deposit them in my table."

Although Jun was present in the class, his thoughts have taken him for a ride. It has been three days since the mysterious girl has landed in his house and till now she hasn't woke up from her sleep. The doctor said measuring from her wound, she had fallen from pretty high altitude and she was saved only because of the litter and her big dress who took most of the shock. But the tree near which she was found was not more than 10 feet in height. It is a mystery.

"jun, jun, JUN" David sir roared

Jun snapped back to the present and stood up. "Where is your assignment, Jun?" David sir asked

"Sir I-"

"You forgot again? Jun this is the third consecutive time you have forgotten to complete your task. What's wrong with you?" David sir asked

Jun kept quiet. "Stay after class; I need to talk to you personally."

It was a sign of relief; he was too shy to spill a lie in front of the whole class. But he is quite confident he can do so personally. Emma watched Jun intently throughout the class. He seems to be slipping into daydreams as soon as his interaction gets over with the teacher. She had never seen Jun act in such a way.

"Jun we-we need to talk" Emma approached Jun after class when Jun was trying to slip silently among other batchmates

"Not now Em- sir has called me."

"I'll wait"

"No you don't have to; I have some urgent errands to complete. Some other days please?"

Emma retired hopelessly from her attempt to talk to him.


"May I come in, sir?" Jun asked while standing in the doorway to David sir's cabin

"Oh Jun, please take a seat."

Politely Jun took his command

"Tell me Jun, what is wrong."

"Sir it's nothing, it's just that my caretaker's health is not that good so I do the housework. So I was unable to complete the assignment. But I assure sir, it won't happen again." Jun put his words carefully in front of him.

"I met Mrs. Lorris yesterday in the market. She looked fine to me" David sir replied back

Jun kept quite. The lie failed.

"Jun I know that you have been tending to an injured girl whom you found in the forest a few days back- now don't look so startled, Mrs. Lorris have told me everything" David Sir continued "and I have no objection in your deed, it's just that you are an excellent student, Jun, and the annual Techbeez is approaching. If you are going to lose your mindfulness, you might lose the chance to qualify for this competition as well."

"Sir I am working on it."

"You need to Jun, leave the Girl under your Caretaker's supervision, she will be fine. Just concentrate on your goals."

"Yes sir" Jun Replied

"And Jun, I shall check all your assignment tomorrow, make sure it's complete. Then I shall get an assurance that you are focused. Otherwise, I shall remove your name from the entrees.

"I shall, sir."

"Better, now you can leave."

Jun knew his mind was getting out of focus since the mysterious girl has landed in his life. All he did was spend time sitting beside her and read her expressions, her face. He wanted to solve her. Somehow he felt that some unknown force is compelling to think about her whenever he tried concentrating on his work. But David sir is right. Techbeez is just two months away, and he is yet to make a prototype and explain it to faculties before it is approved for the techbeez, and he needs to work fast.

"Concentrate, Jun," he said to himself when his cell phone rang, he picked up the call. He heard a voice on the other side say:

"Master Jun, She is awake."

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