Friends wih Jeff the Killer?

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You've been been sitting on the floor with Smiley by my side and Jack directly in front of you telling Jeff the same old story over and over again. He still can't seem to get it through his quite thick skull, if your asking. It's being pretty much impossible to wrap his head around the idea.
"Don't kill her," Jack pauses, and then continues "She's my pet.". He finishes, leaving Jeff astonished. You roll your eyes, smiling at the sight. Just five hours ago this hobo was trying to murder you, and now he's breathtaken. It's moments like these that you loved a lot!

" I can't belive you finally did mark a pet, let alone a girl. I didn't know you had it in you..."

"She's Smiley's friend to so you can't hurt her. And yes, I did do it, see?" He spins yyou around gently, and then moves your ponytail. Jeff glares at the mark, which you've grown used to the past couple of hours. Jeff, then gets into some kind of trance. Jack waves his hand over Jeff, but nothing seems to happen. You glance every now and then, but move back your ponytail to it's rightful spot. After, you hug a huge teddy pillow and glace around the room quietly. The familier room of home...

After about an hour of Jack's useless amount of trying to get Jeff out of his trances, he finally gets to Jeff speak up.
"OKAY! I get it, Smiley seems to have taken a shine to you meaning you must be cool I guess, hi I'm Jeff!"
His long pale fingers stretched out to you, Jeff noticed he had blood all over his hands but you had already shook his hand, blood doesn't really bother you.  You've seen it plenty of times, and heck, your own body was a blood spewing machine if you poked some holes. Practically, blood was a part of your everyday life.
Jeff kept staring at you a little shocked that you weren't shocked or grossed out or at least scared. But you just gave him a soft smile, and release his hand.  Well you do have 2 murderous dudes and their killer dog  in your house that could have killed by now, you would run out for your dear life if you had the chance. But you had made it this far without getting hurt, so it won't be that bad.  But after getting over it all Jeff did was smile.


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