The fun idea!

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Ughh, my head. What happe - oh i remember, Ben said we should have a party to celebrate mine and a few other new arrivels as we have been super busy lately, but something amazing also happened yesterday.

-Flashblack mate-

We were all dancing on the dance floor, lights were swirling around the room and at least half of the proxies had passed out from too much food and the blood cocktail someone had experimented on trying to make. Just as a song came on that nobody new, EJ had asked if he could talk to me outisde, so I followed him until we were a few meeters infront of the mansion, we could still hear the music, but it was quiet enough foru s to hear each other.

'Whats up EJ?' I asked him, he looked nervous  I think, I couldn't really tell from behind the mask but the way he stood kind of thold me something was up.

'Well, you see..... Well I was wondering if you wanted to........ Like ha-'

I cut him off. Right there I knew where this was going.

'EJ, are you trying to ask me out?' I said with a sideways smirk, no one, even people like us stutters like that unless they are trying to ask someone out.

'Ummmmmm.... well.... yes....' He managed to get out.

I thought for a second, I had a few moments thinking. I did used to think how nice it would be to have a boyfriend, and I admit I kinda have a thing for him, so I think I knew exactly how to get his deep grey skin to go an even deeper red. I took a step forward, he didn't noticee as he was noticablably staring off into space, waiting for me to say something. I lifted my hand forward and towards his mask, I moved it slightly just so his mouth was showing, I leaned forward and gave him a passionate kiss. Just as I expected, it was amamzing but as he eats kiddneys as aliving, his teeth are sharp, very sharp.

'I'll take that as a yes?' He said a bit more confidently but I could see the redness spreading under his mask as I moved it back into place.


-End of flashblack-

I giggled to myself slightly. I looked over at my clock. 6:45!!!! Screw it! To early! I'm going back to bed.

Eyeless Jack X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now