Angel Lust and Slendy's mansion

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It took the guys a little while to explain everything, and throughout all of it Slendy didn't say a word. But, then again, neither did I. The room had a suffocational silence for a while,as all fell silent. Only the cicadas didn't stop their buzzful and off-key song outside. Slenderman's height and presence made it hard to pay any attention to my surroundings. It was full of an powerful presence that had scared the crap out of me. I was glad that Jack had managed to calmly snake his arm around my waist. He was being being very sceure about his grasp. I wasn't really paying attention to the whole conversation that held me as the subject, as I was currently raging silently at my carpet. Don't even bother to ask  why, I just was.

How dare you you little ungrateful-

Time skip to after cause author-chan (me) is lazy

"Alright  then," Slendy began.  My eyes widened as I looked up, carefully meeting Jack's gaze through his navy blue mask. He moved my chin forcefully to face  Slenderman, causing my eyes to widen as I stared at him. 

" She'll move in with us. Staying with Jack since she's his pet." He said sternly, staring at me with his moon-white face. Clear of any emotion. He stood up from the couch as I glared the carpet down, now a bit sad. This place may've been lonely with my Grandma constantly doing work and my mother too, but it was familier. It was a place I could calmly go back to every day, and know I was some-what safe. To be myself. It was being taken away from me without consent.

Jack laid his head back on the couch, grunting at Slenderman. " Yeah, yeah whatever." He muttered non-chalontly.  He obviously had no care to this forced situation. " But no one touches her in that way she's mine. My pet." He replied, growling the My pet part. An hot tint of blush crept in my cheeks as I lowered my head. His grip was still very tight, signalling as body language of OVERPROTECTIVE (BoI).

I thought I was about to die when Jack got up and lifted me, shiting so I was on his back. He kicked the door open which caused me to flintch at the loud BANG. He ignored it, but after a while of us walking and him doing random things that made you flintch, he'd finally spoke up. "Jeuses, woman, you couldn't relax for a second." He'd growled, irritation very visible.

" You can't show any emotions for one second?" I clapped back, causing him  to shift me up a bit more with an annoyed sigh. Soon, I had  managed to actually fall asleep.

When I woke up, everything was hazy. I blinked back a few times as I had to adjusted  to the darkened surrounding of the forest. No wonder most of them were deathly pale. I felt weird not having a big amout of sun to show, but I shrugged it off to myself.

Jack grunted as he felt me shift. " Sleeping Beauty finally awake?" He asked, hoisting me up to secure his hold.

" Yeah. I am..."  I only said, shrugging it off as nothing as I layed my head on his shoulder, yawning softly, causing Jeff to look in our direction.

" And yet you're still tired." Jack mumbled.

" I'm not tired. I'm lazy. There's a difference. Learn it." I hissed, causing Jack to smirk as he put his arms which held my lower body, and then lower, his hands stuffed into his pockets. 

" Stay awake for little longer, and you can sleep in my bed."  He said, being an non-chalont a$$hole as usual.

Time skip the le mansion cause i dunno what to wright

When we arrived, there must have been like 50 proxies outside waiting for us outside, I gulped slightly. I looked around them all, each of them having their own unique style and look, none of them could see me though as I was still behind EJ. I continued looking, there was a girl that stood out, Jeff had told me about her. Her name was Angel Lust. When I originally heard it I cringed a little but they told me more and that she's actually a really cool chick. When we where a few meters away from the crwod of killers we stopped and EJ placed me down, he had picked me back up as he said he didn't want to risk me collapsing. They all staired at me in a shock and then they started cheering. This caught me a little by surprise but I started giggling, this felt nice. Angel approached me and gave me a hudge hug, I squeeked slightly.

'OMG hey, it's so nice to meet you. I'm Angel but i bet you already know that. YOu have no idea how good it is to have another chick around here!' She chirrped to me. She wore a black and white shirt with a black and pink fedora. Her eyes were like pools of crimson blood. But i absolutly loved her hair, it was a light brown/blonde with fabe pink and blue dip dye. From that second we both knew we were gonna be great friends!

 From that second we both knew we were gonna be great friends!

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Hey guys! Sorry I haven't updated this in forever. This character was suggested to me by @Angel1Lust23 so go check her out to find out more about this character but for now, keep reading and writing to show the world your true flames! Bai! :3

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