Chapter 29

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"It's not fair!" I exclaimed as I fell back onto my bed. "My mom can't do this! She can't just take me away from here."

Izzy sat down gingerly on the bed next to me. "Apparently she can." She grasped my hand. "But you'll have me at least. Your mom already talked to mine."

"But we can't leave Izzy! Not with everything going on. Jonathan and Seb-" I stopped suddenly and sat up. The piece of paper! I had forgotten all about it.

"Clary?" My parabatai questioned as I withdrew it from my pocket. There was an address and a time. It was tonight at midnight.

"Before Jace got kicked out of the bar Sebastian was there," I explained.

"But I thought you said he was dead? That you felt it?"

"Obviously I was wrong. He gave me this note."

"It's a trap," Izzy said. I bit my lip. I wasn't so sure. Why would he appear to me like that? If Jonathan wanted to lead us into a trap he would have done it more cryptically, as he had done every time leading up to this. "Clary?"

"I'm not saying we should trust this. But I'm also not 100% certain that it's a trap," I told her. "I'm saying we should go and not forget to bring our weapons." And then I thought about something else. "Also we're going to have to sneak out."

Izzy nodded. "Unfortunately I agree. We're leaving tomorrow, this is our last chance to do anything."

"Let's go tell the boys."


"Can I punch your brother in the face, please Clary?" Jace asked. We were in his room. He had moved back in here after visiting the infirmary.

"You're not going," Alec told him firmly. "You need to rest that leg for two days. And so help me if I even see you get out of this bed I will personally break something so you'll have to stay in it."

Jace crossed his arms. "You're no fun."

"Lucky for us the the meeting is at midnight," Alec said ignoring his parabatai. "Our parents will be asleep."

"And if they wake up?" Izzy asked.

"Then we'll get chewed out when we get back." I shared a glance at Izzy. If I'm right about this...we could get Sebastian back.


We were going to be late to the meeting time. Maryse had stayed up doing paperwork so we weren't able to leave until five aftermidnight.

Too scared to take a car and risk the engine waking someone up we decided to walk it. It would just mean taking even longer.

Soon a figure fell into line next to us. I whipped my head back to see who it was. It was Simon. Izzy had called him in case we needed back up. His vampires would be in position once we got there.

"So we're walking into a trap?" he asked.

"Most likely," Izzy told him.

"There's a small chance it's not," I added.

"I don't like those odds," Alec said. He was running his hands over an arrow. I noticed it was different than the others in his quiver. This one was silver, the others were black. "One sign that this was a trap and we're getting the hell out of there."

I nodded. But I wasn't so sure I was going to follow that. If Sebastian was there...if there was any chance at getting him back, trap or not, I'd have to take it.

I looked up at our destination as we approached. It was an old, abandoned house or at least that was the vibe that it gave off. But of course there were lights on inside.

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