Chapter 30

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The room was silent after my revelation. I couldn't believe that I had convinced myself that Sebastian was being controlled by the warlock. It had made so much sense. I couldgf believe that the warlock had been powerful enough to reach into Sebastian's mind and pull out memories. It chilled me to think just what Damian and Jonathan now knew.

Izzy finally broke the silence. "But if Sebastian was being controlled the entire time, then the Clave can't find him guilty of his crimes. It wasn't his fault."

"It doesn't matter if he's guilty or not," I said. "Jonathan's going to kill him anyway."

"This is exactly what he wants! Jonathan wants to rattle you up, Clary!" Izzy told me. "I hate to say it but he has something else planned and it surely involves you. He wants you distracted and distraught."

"It'd make sense at least," Alec agreed. "He's trying to make it seem like he'll kill Sebastian, that you'll never see him again. But he's probably still using him as a pawn."

"Don't let Jonathan extinguish that fire inside you, Clary," my parabatai said.

"But what's it going to matter if Jonathan wants to use him as a pawn! Izzy, we're leaving to Idris in a few hours! I'm sure Jonathan will soon get tired of this game and kill him."

"Then we'll have to convince your mom to let you stay."

"How exactly are we going to do that? She doesn't listen to me."

"Then we'll make her, by telling her the truth."


Izzy's plan was borderline crazy. If my mom believed us it would be great and perhaps I could stay. However, what if she told Maryse and Robert? Then the clave would get involved and that wouldn't solve anything.

Sneaking back into the Institute was just as hard as sneaking out but somehow we did it without any conflicts. Everyone was still asleep.

Izzy convinced me to try and get a couple hours of sleep. No one would be up until then anyhow. But as I laid in my bed sleep wouldn't come. I was too nervous about talking to my mother, too nervous about Sebastian's fate.

So I went and did the one thing that usually calmed me down, that let me think straight; I went into the training room.

After a while I heard the floorboards creak near the door. I sighed knowing who it was. I wasn't exactly sure how he had gotten out of bed though. "Jace, I'm not in the mood."

"Probably a good thing I'm not Jace then." I turned my head and recognized one of the Ascended. I couldn't place his name, however. Avery or Abram Asher or something like that. He saw me drawing a blank stare. "Ashton," he said. Well my last guess had been close. "Ashton Nighthallow."

"Sorry, Ashton," I apologized. I had been here for a while now and I still didn't know everybody's name. "I'm Cl-"

"Clary," Ashton finished. "Yeah I know, you're the first new face we've had around here in a while. But don't worry about not knowing me. I kinda blend into the background. Besides, you've had a lot going on. I'm honestly in awe though, in light of everything here you are still training."

"I'm a shadowhunter," I said simply. "It's in my blood." I glanced at him. "It's in your blood now too."

"Yeah, well, I've only been a shadowhunter for about a year now," he explained. "Kinda hard getting used to it."

There was suddenly a crash in the hallway and then a groan. Ashton and I looked at each other before running out of the room.

I sighed as I saw who was lying on the floor in the hallway. None other than Jace Herondale.

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