Discoveries and Details

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Chapter 3.

Skylar's POV.

I sighed as I looked at Ryder, who was sitting on the floor, sucking his thumb.

"Why don't you have any powers? I have powers, Oliver has powers, Jacob has powers, why don't you?"

I heard Oliver chuckle as he came downstairs before sitting beside me.

"Quit treating him as a science experiment. If he has powers, they'll develop soon. If not, you need to accept it."

I nodded, just as Ryder's face wrinkled up, making me grin.

"Maybe he'll use a super power!"

However, much to my displeasure, all he did was sneeze and crawl away.

"Well, that was a bust."

"Sky, just let him be a kid for now." Oliver told me as he wrapped his arm around my shoulder, me leaning into his embrace before we heard someone yell.


And a pink proton ring fly though the air, almost hitting Ryder as I panicked, jumping into the floor and covered him.

"What was that!?" Oliver demanded as Kaz came in, holding a giggling Isabella.

"Izzy found a new power after I tried to feed her. Almost took my head off."

"You are really taking the brunt of this, aren't you?" Oliver laughed.

"Not funny, Oliver." He mumbled as he put her down before announcing. "I'm gonna go fix the wall."

"Baby food?" I asked.

"No. Singed, burnt." He replied as he went into the kitchen.

Bree's POV.

I smiled as I saw Kaz come in, already knowing about Isabella's power outbursts and that he had come to fix the wall.

"Hey Kaz, come make your lunch." I told him as he walked over, grumbling.

"I am a superhero and a father, should I really have to make my own lunch?"

"Probably not. You also shouldn't have to take out the trash." I replied, showing him the piles of trash. "But, you're doing it."

"Why, Breezy? Why can't Oliver do it?"

"Cause Oliver is busy with his sons, and Oliver isn't gonna be around forever to clean up your mess. Now please just, take it out."

"But it's so hard. I have to carry the bags, go down the elevator, put them in our can, and come back up. It's too much." He whined as I glared.

"Well, I took it out last time."

"I did the dishes."

"I changed the diapers."

"I take care of the power outbursts."

"I had the baby." I remarked, knowing he couldn't one up me as he hung his head down in defeat before grabbing the bags.

Just as he went down, Chase came over, holding Britney.

"Hey. How's she doing?"

"She isn't sick any more, which is always good. She's also been sleeping really well." He smiled as he ran his thumb over her cheek before looking at me. "Could you possibly watch her again?"

"Chase, what are you up to?" I asked as he set her in my arms.

"I'll tell you later." He told me before kissing Britney's forehead and leaving, as I wondered.

'What is that freaky little genius up to now?'

Chase's POV.

"Selena Martins."

The guard nodded as he led me down the hall, opening the door to where Sel was.

"Chase. I didn't think you would be coming back." She smiled as she hugged me.

In fact, she just gave me a genuine smile.

"I was planning on it." I grinned as I pushed her streak out of her eyes.

"So, what made you drop by?" She asked.

I sat down on her "bed" before continuing.

"I wanna know you turned "evil". Did something happen, or was this a random choice?"

"Well, I should probably start at the beginning. My dad had brain cancer for as long as I could remember. My mom, she was nice, but she just didn't feel like to me. Almost like she was faking it. My older brother, Gabe, was the greatest guy I've ever met before now, and my younger brother, Jason was amazing as well."

"Well, what happened?" I asked.

"M-my dad died. I remember telling him goodnight, and the next morning, he was gone. I was ten. Then Gabe got killed in a car crash, and Jason was diagnosed with a heart condition that my grandfather had, which led him to be in the hospital for a long time. Then I left. I didn't want to be alone with my mom all the time. At first, it was steal to survive. But then, I started stealing for way more. Wealth, fortune, power. I wanted to be in control of my destiny." She replied before hitting one of the bars. "Look where that got me." She sighed before looking at me. "So, what's your "sob story"?"

"What?" I asked.

"You know, the story that makes everyone feel bad for you. I just told you mine."

I sighed before I revealed the truth.

"My mom abandoned me. I was six and a half months when I was born, and she just...didn't want me. She left me with my "father" and he raised me as his own, which included implanting bionics. Then, my uncle found out and took me and my older siblings, and never told us about our father." I sighed, as I remembered when Douglas told me.

"So, does anyone else know?" She asked.

"Just you and the women who acts like my mom, Alexandra. You know, the doctor who took care of you?"

"Oh yeah. She's the middle aged woman."

"She's 36."

"Fine. So, what did you name our daughter?" She asked.

"Britney Mariah."

"I like it." She smiled as she caressed my cheek with her soft hand before asking. "Is there by any chance that you can bring Britney with you sometime?"

"Sounds like a plan." I smiled, kissing her forehead as I was escorted out.

Hope you guys like this chapter! BTW, Lots of Braz in our next chap...maybe even a Skoliver proposal?

Over and out.


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