Attacks and worries

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Chapter 5.
Oliver's POV.
The whole team, with the exception of Chase, who was yet to return from visiting Selena, was in the living room with all the babies when the supposedly unbreakable glass broke into a million pieces; revealing Selena herself, and a guy I failed to recognize.
"Graham." Bree seethed.
Right at that moment, Chase burst in, panting "Sel's working for-" seeing the setting around him, he went on "Oh, never mind, then. "
Chase's POV.
Kaz was confused, but still joking around, as usual "So if she's working for Graham, are you leaving us to work for Crackers? " he laughed "Graham Crackers... Get it?" Loosing my patience, I yelled "We GET it! What do you want, Sel?" She smiled evily. "Well first, to hold my baby, but second, I want ALL you superfreaks destroyed. You took away my life, so I'll take away yours."
"What'd we do?!" Skylar yelled as I bit my lip nervously, hoping none of the babies crawled, or flew, in here.
"If it wasn't for you, then I wouldn't have ended up in the slammer. Luckily, I found a HUMAN who can get rid of you. Cause I'm pretty sure while bionics are legal, superpowers are not."
She then clicked a button on her comm.
"Yes, we have the superhumans up here, but I'd hurry. They might hurt us any second now."
I immediately used my molecular kenisis to knock out Graham while grabbing onto Selena.
"Take the kids and go!" I yelled to my sister.
"No, we aren't leaving without you!"
Bree's eyes filled with tears as she grabbed Isabel and held onto Kaz while Skylar and Oliver grabbed the boys.
Sel smiled as she caressed my cheek while canceling off the agents and sending Graham on his way and she whispered in my ear, making me terrified in the pit of my stomach.
"Now that they are out of my way...we can have fun."
Her low voice made me whimper in fear as she smiled sympathetically.
"Aww, it's ok Chasey. It won't be that bad. Now, where's my baby?"
"I-I'm not telling you."
"Why not, babe?"
"I'm not your babe. You've forced my family out of our house and you think I'm gonna let you touch my daughter, think again."
"You're forgetting, Chase. I carried her for seven months. She's MY daughter."
"I'm pretty sure it takes two people to make a baby." I retorted as she moved me out of the way with her molecular kenisis before finding Britney in her RockARoo and picked her up, smiling, making me fume.
"Hey sweetheart. Finally, you and I are reunited at last." She whispered, kissing Britney's forehead before putting her down and using her molecular kenisis to wrap my arms around her and tug at my shirt.
"Let's go have fun." She grinned evily as she practically dragged me to the bedroom.
Bree's POV.
"I can't believe we had to leave Chase and Britney...who knows what Graham and Sel are doing to them." I sobbed into Kaz's shoulder.
"Bree, look at me. Kaz probably took down both Graham and Sel and got them back in the slammer. They'll be fine. I promise."
We were currently hiding in the new Mighty Med from Graham and Sel, and while Oliver and Skylar were watching the kids, Kaz was dealing with the wound I had gotten when my hand hit the top of one of the skyscrapers on our way here. Suddenly I winced and let out a low whimper when Kaz started bandaging it.
"There." He smiled, handing me some Advil off one of the shelves, making me giggle.
"You work in a top secret superhero hospital, and one of the medications is Advil."
"Yep. It actually helps a lot." He smiled as he climbed onto the bed with me, wrapping a arm around my shoulders.
"Thanks again, Kaz."
"You're welcome. And hey, just so you know, I'm worried about Chase and Britney to, but they'll be ok. Chase wouldn't ever let anyone hurt Britney, and he can defend himself. They'll be fine."
"I hope you're right. I can't lose them, Kaz." I whimpered. "I haven't seen Adam, Leo or Daniel in a long time. I don't need to lose another brother."
"And you won't. I know you aren't like me and have brothers or sisters to spare, but they will all be fine." Kaz smiled before getting up. "I'm gonna go check on the kids and get everyone else in bed. Get some sleep, Breanna. I love you." He kissed my forehead before I was lulled into a dreamless sleep.

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