New powers, New reasoning

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Chapter 5.

Skylar's POV.

I came downstairs to see Oliver holding the Arcturion, making me freak out as I grabbed it.

"Oliver, what are you doing?!"

"Ever since my mom tried to take the kids, I've been terrified, so I got the Arcturion in order to get more powers."

"You know it doesn't work like that. I don't want you to get hurt, so just, take it back to Me. Davenport's facility before one of the kids get it." I told him as he ran up, grabbed me and lifted me up, making me squeal in delight before he placed a light kiss on my forehead, whispering in my ear.

"You're gonna get a great surprise tonight."

I kissed his cheek before grinning.

"Can't wait."

Oliver smiled again as he held my hand and kissed it before going back over to where he had previously put down the Arcturion.

"Where did it go?! I put it right here and the only ones in here were..."

"Were who?"

"The boys. We have to find them." Oliver told me as we started running around the house, occasionally yelling "Ryder" or "Jacob" before we found the boys, Jacob with one hand in Ryder's and the other on the Arcturion as Oliver and I screamed.


Before grabbing both the boys and closing the Arcturion case as I cradled a unconscious Jacob in my arms while Oliver was holding Ryder.

"What was that?" I asked as a few tears streamed down my cheeks.

"They are boys. They saw it, it glows, it looks dangerous, so they wanted to touch it. It's like when Kaz touches a lot firework. They'll probably be fine. Let's just get Alexandra to double check and then we'll let them rest."

I nodded before asking something.

"Kaz touches lit fireworks?"

"Yeah. It's kind of weird, but he does it anyway." Oliver shook his head before we handed the boys off to Alexandra, only to see Chase playing with Britney.

"What are you doing?" I asked before Oliver added.

"And what's with all the happy, squeaky hamster noises?"

"Just playing with my baby girl." He smiled as she grabbed his hand.

"So did you give up on finding her mom?" Oliver asked curiously.

"Her mom is in prison and asked me to take care of her till her sentence is over."


"I'll tell you guys later." He replied as he pulled her out of her Rockaroo, which used to be Bree's, and started feeding her. "What happened?"

"Jacob touched the Arcturion while holding onto Ryder. We don't know what they were doing, but they both are completely unconscious." I sniffled before Oliver hugged me.

"Why don't you two get some rest? Alexandra will tell you if they're ok." Chase suggested as he put Britney back in her Rockaroo before we all went upstairs.

"So Chase, what did you wanna tell us?" Bree asked as she and Kaz came down.

"So, I found Britney's mom. I-it's Sel."

"Well, who got her pregnant?" Kaz asked.

Chase sighed before sheepishly raising his hand.

"Yes! I knew it!" Bree yelled happily.

Then they heard Alexandra say that Oliver and I were needed in the lab while Bree continued gloating.

"What's wrong?" I asked in a panic before I saw...ten Ryders.

"What happened?!" Oliver yelled.

"They woke up and then Ryder did this. I think he got a superpower from the Arcturion."

"Yes!" Oliver yelled as he found the real Ryder and threw him in the air, making him laugh.

"Wait. Doesn't this mean that Jacob lost some powers?"

"Yes. He lost his space portals and his cyclone fingers. Other then that though, he's a bit shaken but fine.

I sighed in relief before sitting with Oliver and the boys as Bree brought down Britney and Izzy, making me and Oliver realize it was our night to baby sit.

"Guess you won't be able to give me my surprise." I sighed.

"It's alright. I'll show you tomorrow."

Chase's POV.

I went into Sel's cell and hugged her.

"How's Britney?" She asked as I kissed her cheek.

"Great. She's a sweet little baby." I told her.

"Chase...I have something I need to tell you."


"I'm getting out of jail early." She smiled.

"They cut part of your sentence?"

"No...but if this works, I need you to promise you won't say anything."

"About what?" I asked.

Sel's POV.

"About what?" Chase asked as I hit him with my pryokenisis before sighing.

"Sorry Chase, but I'm not waiting ten years to be with Britney. But once I'm done, we WILL be together." She marched out of the cell confidently, launching each security camera and knocking out the guard before walking over to my "boss".

"What's the plan?"

"Keep a eye on Oliver, Kaz, Bree, Skylar, Isabella, Ryder and Jacob. Your reward, is your freedom."

"I understand, Agent Graham." I grinned as I shook his hand before flying off towards the penthouse.

Ok, so you guys, I will soon be writing a book called "Celebrity High" which will include Jelena and Ziley (Zayn Malik and Miley Cyrus) and it may be better then you think. Hope you are interested. ;)

Also, after hearing a bunch of bad stuff about my inspirations this year, Selena Gomez is doing well and I'm so happy!

So what is Graham planning? Will Chase be able to warn the others?

Over and out.


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