Fears and changing sides

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Bree's POV.

I had been tossing and turning, trying to sleep but was eventually unable as I stood up and walking into the room Chase was in, smiling as I noticed that he was slowly getting better. He was returning back to his original color, while his fever had been going down as well. I sighed quietly as I sat down beside him, holding his hand.

"B-Bree?" I heard him mumble as he sat up. "What are you doing?"

"Couldn't sleep. I'm still a bit uneasy about leaving you alone." I replied as he nodded before rubbing his eyes, trying to get the sleep out.

"How's Britney?" He asked, his voice reduced to a whisper.

"She's ok. She misses her daddy." I told him as I sat beside him while he laid his head on my shoulder.

Chase nodded as tears pricked the edges of his eyes while looking at me, asking in a voice that told me he was slightly upset.

"C-can I see her?"

"I don't know, Chase. She is asleep after all."

He nodded as I heard a few sniffles come from him before a ear piercing scream sounded.

"Well, not anymore." I chuckled as I stood up, to find Britney in the girl's room. I picked her up before going back into Chase's room, and putting her in his arms.

"Hey, baby girl. Did you miss me?" He whispered quietly, still holding her close as her son's reduced to sniffles and she gurgled happily before yawning and falling asleep in his arms as he smiled pridefuly for a minute before looking at me.

"Bree? Do you think I'm a good parent?"

"Why would you ask?" I questioned curiously as he sighed.

"Cause...you have Kaz helping you, and Skylar has Oliver...I'm doing this myself. And I'm wondering if that's the best decision. I wanna give her the best she can have, and I'm not sure if I'm doing that."

"Chase. You have been a wonderful parent so far, and you can only improve. I can't make the decision for you if you wanna..." Tears threatened to fall out of my eyes as I thought about what I was about to say, before swallowing my sobs and continuing. "Have her put up for adoption, but I think you are great at this."

"Thanks Bree." He smiled, hugging me with one arm before looking down at her. "Can you take her back to bed?"

I shook my head no.

"You've been recovering, I think you can do it." I smiled as he slowly stood up before walking quietly and slowly set her down in her crib, kissing her forehead as he walked out, smiling.

"Wanna sleep in your capsule?" I questioned as he quickly nodded before walking in and closing the door of his, Oliver's and Kaz's room before I walked back to mine, closing the door and falling asleep.

Oliver's POV.

I woke up the next morning, remembering it had been one week since I had been confronted by my mom. Tears filled my eyes as I quickly grabbed breakfast before walking into Ryder and Jacob's room, kissing their foreheads and whispering "I love you" before getting dressed and going downstairs to see Skylar in her pink robe before she stood up and walked over to me.

"Morning sweetheart." She smiled, kissing my cheek


"What's with the backpack?" She asked as I stuttered.

"I-I I'm going on a trip. I'm not sure when I'll be back."

"Oliver...what's going on?" She asked, seeing right through my lie as I sighed and told her.

"My mom and I met up. And I made a deal with her."

"What?..." my significant other inquiried.

"I-if I go to her side. It's the only way to protect you guys, and I don't wanna see you hurt." I insisted.

"Oliver." She cried as she hugged me tightly, tears flowing down her tan cheeks.

I comforted her after a few minutes before saying.

"I love you. And I'll be back soon. Promise."

Skylar nodded as she kissed me before tears welled up in my eyes as I left, only to see my mom.

"I'm ready to go."

Review responses!


So this will have a epilogue left, but a third story after this!

Of course, this is all taking place after my mom calls Amazon (like she promised to on Sunday...) And gets my kindle fixed.

I wanna know how your Halloween went and what you went as (or if you dressed up)! Let me know in the comments!

Over and out.


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