Phoebe Halliwell-Available

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Title: All of Me (can change)

Face claim: Tom Hardy

Season: 5-whenever you want to end it.

A story in which Phoebe meets this guy for the internet dating article and finds more than meets the eye. She finds a man who was forced to make the profile by his sister and hates meeting people online because it's less personal and he doesn't want to date just anyone. She finds him charming, and kind, and intelligent which she finds very attractive.


"Do you mind if I write things down?" Phoebe questioned looking at the man in front of her.

"By all means." she liked the accent that accompanied him and his smile was amazing to look at.

"So what made you sign up for online dating?"

"My sister did it for me and told me I was expected to be here and I was meeting Phoebe Halliwell who works for the Bay Mirror." 

"So you must've been single for awhile for your sister to do it."

"If I'm being completely honest with you, I'm a hopeless romantic. I feel like this is less personal. I'd rather meet someone naturally."

"That's a change. Normally guys who are in the scene of online dating only want to hook up."

"I don't want to date someone. I want to love with every fiber of my being. That's probably why I've always been single, I can't be in a meaningless relationship. I don't want to be with someone just because I'm single. I want to be with someone because I'm in love. So no, I'm not looking for a relationship. I'm searching for someone who make me want to have one." Phoebe gave him a confused look.

"You aren't quite the guy then."

"So I've been told."

-Bamon wrote this with you in mind. But I would completely understand if you didn't like it. 

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