Haymitch Abernathy-Taken

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Title: Hunted

Face claim: Krysten Ritter 

Winner of: the Fifty-fith annual Hunger Games

District: 8

Name: Ember Tides

Timeline: The Hunger Games Catching Fire-The Hunger Games Mockingjay pt. 2

Weapons of choice: throwing knives, garrote, or fists/kicking

In which a smart mouthed is reaped once again for the third quarter quell and proves she probably hates the Capitol the most because they killed everyone she cared about because during her games she showed President Snow that she couldn't and wouldn't be controlled.

Okay, so for the 55th games I have a very specific idea for the arena. The game maker for this game wanted to pull inspiration from the old ways and designed it after Brooklyn (this would be different and fun) Ember didn't do well in the final training session on purpose because she wanted to surprise people by coming off as weak. But she took out three of the careers during the bloodbath at the Cornucopia with her fists (punch at least one of them in the throat, please!) and hid in a bar and waited for people to come to her. She got out of the arena with hardly any physical damage because she was quick and stronger than the others imagined. 

When the Quarter Quell happened she sat mostly to the side and watched others. Katniss wanted her because she remembered her games vividly when she was watching old games. Peeta was against it because you can never really tell what Ember is thinking but you can always hear her mouth. When Haymitch and Ember see each other during the champion ride it surprises Katniss and Peeta that Haymitch actually has a friend who calls him out on his shit. She cuts out her own tracking device after she sees Katniss blowing the forcefield away and seeing the huge claw get her and she is rescued and taken to District 13 and thinks President Coin is full of shit and super, mega bitch.

Taken by: AdoptedWinchester

Have some gifs of Krysten being awesome. P.S. this is the first ever Hunger Games plot I wrote. I got random inspiration today.

 I got random inspiration today

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