X-Men: Requested&Taken

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Requested and Taken by: SaveOurQueen

Title: Voodoo

Face claim: Nicole Beharie 

Quote: "I survived because the fire inside me burned brighter than the fire around me."

Timeline: After; X-Men Apocalypse 

In which Magneto goes searching for mutants to join the Brotherhood once again and finds Calypso a witch skilled in Voodoo magic who killed her sister to obtain more power now has the ability to resurrect herself and others. 

Powers (according to Marvel Encyclopedia I have): smiled in Voodoo magic; combines potions and spells to confuse enemies; control enemies with Yoruba spirit drum; can revive the dead and resurrect herself.

What I would do to change this is that instead of using a spirit drum, I'd have her just be able to control her enemies by saying a spell. But that is up to you.

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