Rick Grimes-Available

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Title: Tiny Dancer

Face claim: Nicole Scherzinger

Face claim: Nicole Scherzinger

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Season: 4-Current

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Season: 4-Current

In which an ex-dancer who is with Abraham, Eugene, and Rosita begins a strictly physical relationship with Rick.

This is a slow burn at first because they don't meet until Rick gets into the train car. They keep saying it's just sex. But everyone knows it's not, everyone but them.

She didn't know how to use any weapons until the apocalypse. But she picked it up quickly in order to survive. She is a better with closer quarters combat and hand to hand, more like any situations she can use her legs in. But she uses a gun Abraham gave her.

Abraham found her walking down the highway dancing to no music and saw her fight off a walker with the golf club she had been carrying with her. For a long ass time the golf club was her weapon and her ability to run. 

I honestly got inspired by Papi she sang with Todrick Hall. Check it out. 

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