introduction . . .

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if you haven't been able to tell, this is a book of oneshots/drabbles! here i will use a prompt to create a one-part story for a ship.

the lengths of these oneshots/drabbles will vary. (variations depend on my own preferences or can depend on the plot.)


i will be taking requests for oneshots/drabbles.

the only place that i will take requests is here (on this introductory chapter) or on my conversation board.

please do not leave requests on any other story of mine, or on any other chapters of this book. if you do, no worries! i'll just redirect you here. this is so that i can keep track of requests and so that yours doesn't get lost.

rules for requests

- as stated above, i will only take requests on this introductory chapter of this book or on my conversation board.

- i will not write anything "_____ x reader".

- i will not write smut.

- i will not write "ot3" or polyamorous requests. (please note that i do not have anything against polyamorous relationships, i just find it hard to write and therefore will not be writing anything to do with it.)

- i will not write anything "_____ x oc".

- please do not request for me to write any of those things.

request format

when requesting, please include the following.

- ship name
- genre (ex. fluff, angst, etc.)
- an au/prompt (not required but definitely appreciated!)
- anything extra you'd like included. :)

to conclude...

updates will be fairly regular.

thank you for reading this!

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