shes dreaming : ky

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song fic to she's dreaming by exo. english lyrics.


deep in the night when even the stars fall asleep
the lonely moon rises

save for the quiet titters and the air conditioning unit humming, the calm ambience of the room is highlighted by stillness, silence and peace.

a gentle smile appears on kiyoko's face as she admires her girlfriend who is currently unable to stop her incessant giggling. she lets her eyes travel from her painted toenails, all the way up her legs (slowly, at that), pausing for only a moment to admire her abdomen and then to her collarbones, so sharp and defined. her eyes wander up her neck and to the tips of her bright hair, up to the strands of hair sticking out wildly, and then back down to her face.

kiyoko's smile grew. hitoka's face is one of her most favorite features, not only because it is beautiful but also because it is expressive. one look at those gorgeous eyes of hers could tell kiyoko anything she needed to know. or, perhaps, she is just good at reading her girlfriend.

that smile of hers, toothy and wide and all the other wonderful things hitoka's smiles are warm kiyoko up inside.

it softly comes down to the windowsill
and shines on you
and lets you dream while you sleep

the clock's red numbers glare a 2:34 at kiyoko but she's not ready to close her eyes and slip away quite yet.

the moon shines it's silvery light through the curtains of the window, bits of that brilliant light illuminating the bedroom. kiyoko thinks it's as pretty as a painting.

speaking of as pretty as a painting, she thinks with a soft grin, looking down at hitoka who had burrowed herself deep into the downy blankets on their bed. kiyoko sat on the small of her back and leaned back on the heels of hand hands. her socked feet wriggle their way under the blankets, careful not to let any cold air seep under where it would touch hitoka's warm skin.

in it, you wear a slipper made of glass
you come to me shyly and come into my
arms and laugh

kiyoko considers plugging in her earbuds, then rejects the idea because the sound of the even slumbering breaths of her girlfriend were sweeter than any tune she'd ever heard.

she's said it time and time again: she'll never forget the way she and hitoka slowly grew close.

she had grown lonely as the only girl on the all boys volleyball team, not that it bothered her too much because she knew of a certain two who would risk life and limb for her to do as much as glance in her direction.

as close as she was with the rest of the team, the other third years held a special place in her heart. when she thought about that, she couldn't help but think of the troublesome first years who had grown to fight together and not against each other, but thoughts of them brought about thoughts of the rambunctious second years who she pretended to be indifferent to. she'd die for any of them.

she thought she was happy but that was before hitoka joined the team as the other manager. she had started jumpy, anxious and scared of everything, even the coach. but she had slowly come around and now kiyoko can't imagine how she managed to stay sane without her girlfriend with her at games, practice matches, practice or really just in general.

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