Frequently Asked Questions

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Alright guys. This is for any and all questions you might have about some aspects of the book that you want answered and that weren't answered in the book.

So go ahead and comment your questions and I will add them to this page and answer them as best as I can!


-Emilia asks:

What does Lace think about Azrael's mother now that she is better?

Well first of all, Lace isn't better or normal and she won't ever be. She went through too much to simply have it all disappear. It formulated her personality so that won't be something that can be fixed.

As for their relationship. Lace tolerates her but still doesn't particularly like her and that isn't bound to change. She views her as arrogant and Lace hates arrogance.


MagnificentA2 asks:

What happened to Lace's family after they were told she was 'dead'?

Well they attempted to go to her funeral but Damascus blocked them at every turn (for obvious reasons) and they stayed within their pack but retreated to their outskirts because their Alpha (Abraham's brother) still maintained a rocky alliance with Trebax. Her brothers took menial hard working jobs at the lumber mill like her father and kept to themselves.

(side statement by vanithaa ) Her brother's weren't there because they stayed at home with their families. They were terrified it was a false alarm and refused to go just to get their hopes crushed.


samnicenight asks:

What's happening next? In general for the next book and for Lace and Azrael.

Well for Lace and Azrael its dealing with anxiety about the pregnancy and helping Lace through it and keeping her happy and safe. Both her and Azrael are highly anxious about the pregnancy (I mean who wouldn't.) so that is what they will be dealing with.

In general for the next story. I am going to point the direction to the update The Haunted Memories because that is the blurb for the next story and helps clear up that.


donutloverx asks:

Will you ever do a story about the kids? Like Nina or Caden?

I currently do not have a plan to.


dimplesmile66 asks:

How will Luka and Shey's future look?

As long as Amelia still lives it is uncertain and whenever Mene stops the clock on her life their lives will have deep sadness and anguish for sometime afterwards.


JeSuisQuelquun asks: (well states)

I thought it would have been very cool if Azrael fought with Lace's relatives to show he wanted her as is tradition within his pack.

Lace's family do not hail from an Old Way pack. Only Old Way packs have that tradition. If her pack would have been Old Way her life would have had a very different outcome as would Damascus's.

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