Chapter 1

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It was the first day of training and you hadn't a clue what to do. Hell, you didn't even know anyone there with the acception of Sasha Blouse and Mikasa Ackerman. You stood in proper formation as the instructor came walking by. You prayed to God that he wouldn't stop in front of you like he did every other trainee. 

You instinctively saluted as he passed by you quietly. You let out a sigh, in which you thought was soft enough to where he couldn't hear you. Sadly, he did. He came walking back towards you and you could feel your heart rate jump up, your body growing nervous. You could feel a bead of salty sweat slide down your temple as he inched closer to you. You didn't dare look him in the eye.

"You look like shit…", he started. 

You said nothing as your face kept it's blank expression, trying not to show too much emotion.

"Where the hell are you from, maggot?" your strict teacher asked you directly, seemingly inching close and closer.

You swallowed down your intense fear and answered him, a slight hitch in your throat.

"W-Wall Maria, S-Sir", you answered.

His face had gone into anger. Damn it! You didn't answer him properly. He opened his mouth to reply to your weak answer, yelling at you at the top of his lungs.

"If you think a reply like that will get you anywhere, well you better pack your fucking bags and head on back to whatever home you've got left! What in the hell sort of answer was that!? 'W-Wall Maria, S-Sir'", he mimicked, "I have half a mind to kick you out! Are you ready to risk your like for humanity, you little brat!? You better shape up and get your ass in gear! Am I understood!?"

The ringing in your ears from his screaming made you go numb for awhile. You gathered up all the strength you had to answer back, but this time, yelling it out without hesitation.

"Yes, Sir!"

Before he stood up straight, you heard a low grumble from his throat. It was more of an annoyed noise than a pleased one. 

That lonely bead of sweat had finally run all the way down your face. That was an intense moment for you. But, you guessed that it's something you'll just have to deal with. If you were going to join the Survey Corpse, you couldn't be weak. You vowed to become stronger, even if it costs you your own life.

The arm you had behind your back became tightened as you clenched your hand into a tighter fist. Determination. You refused to let anymore people you cared about die in vain.

"_________! R-Run! RUN! _________~!!!!!"

You shook your head around, trying to release the memory from thought. 

After observation, you walked to the dining hall with Mikasa. Sasha had gotten in trouble again for eating during inspection. You let out a heavy sigh as the two of you walked side by side in unison. 

When you both turned the corner, you felt as if you had just walked into a wall, but a soft one. You stumbled a few inches backwards, but didn't fall to the ground. You covered your nose, which was the only thing that seemed to hurt.

"Hey! 'The hell's your probl-", you stopped mid-sentence to catch a quick look at the boy you ran into.

When the boy tuned around, he looked down at you with bright blue eyes. They almost looked turquoise. His short, slightly silky brown hair had fallen ever so slightly past his eyebrows, nearly covering his eyes. His bangs were noticeably uneven and a few loose strands had been spread out just after bumping into him. He stood about 170 centimeters (5'7") and looked to be around 15 years of age. He was only taller than you by a few inches, as you stood around 167 centimeters (5'5").

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