Chapter 2

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Unfortunately, you were unable to eat dinner. But, then again, neither did Sasha. You went back to her room, but she wasn't there. You walked around looking for her, but were unable to find your friend. From afar you heard loud breathing. You were hesitant to go check out the noise, since you weren't ready to die like some idiot girl in a horror film.

Worried for your friend, you approached the sound, looking down from a cliff only to find Sasha still running laps! You watched her for awhile, until she collapsed on the ground from exhaustion. You sighed heavily before sliding down the dirt cliff and retrieving her. You picked her up and placed her left arm over your shoulders, carrying her back to her room. But once you turned around-

"What in fucks name do you think you're doing, cadet?" a gruff tone spat out.

You looked up at the man in front of you, looking him in the eyes to see who it was. You were irritated enough and you challenged his authority just by looking at him. His eyes were a silver color, almost like solid Mercury. His hair was cut short, but a few strands of black hung in front of his eyes. He looked down at you with an expressionless stare, sending chills up your spine. But since you were still new and you didn't know everyone and their ranking yet, you answered back as if he were just another trainee.

"Well, if you must know, you narrow-eyed, clearly uneducated, baboon, I'm taking my friend here back to her room. So, if you could kindly get the hell out of my way, that'd be great".

His face didn't change but he stepped closer to you.

"I asked what you were doing, Cadet; not a description of yourself."

Man. This guy really knew how to push your buttons and you had only just met him.

"And I told you that I was taking her back to her room. Do you need any more informatio-", you were interrupted with a swift kick to your gut, causing you to kneel to the ground. You couldn't breathe, and you had the weight of a potato-eating girl on your shoulders.

Once you caught your breath, you looked up at the stranger with angered eyes.

"What the hell's your problem!? Who the fuck do you think you a-"

"I am your fucking Commanding Officer, you low-lifed piece of shit. You will address me as Corporal or Commander Levi. I couldn't care less about who you are. You're just lucky I let you off easy. You're a trainee, but if you ever speak to me like that again, I'll have no problem with beating you within inches of your pathetic life. Now, get to bed before I change my mind", he scoffed.

You growled at him as he walked off, his hands behind his back as his green cloak followed behind him.

Once you were able to gather your strength, you continued to carry Sasha back to her room.

After situating her in bed, you left for your own room. You looked both ways to see if anyone else was out-and-about like you were. When you glanced to your right, you saw a boy with mid-length, blonde hair. 

"Hey!" you yelled over at him, not knowing who he was. 

He stopped in his tracks before turning around to you. Once he observed your stature, his blue eyes grew wider, as if he was caught by surprise.

"___-_______?" he stumbled.

You blinked in confusion. How does he know my name? He walked closer to you and observed you more closely, looking you straight in the eye. He was an inch shorter than you, but he gently placed a few fingers on your cheek.

"You…You are real…", he mumbled.

You looked at him as if he were crazy. What exactly was he talking about?

"Of course I'm real. And why the heck are you touching me? Please don't place your hands on me, I don't want to have to hurt you either. Who are you anywa-", you were once again interrupted but this time, with a kiss on the lips.

You quickly pushed the boy off of you, causing him to stumble backwards to the ground. You wiped your mouth in disgust as you stared at him.

"What was that for!?" you demanded.

He looked up at you, his eyes full of hurt with your response.

"…You don't remember…do you…?"

You looked him up and down, trying to find the memory you had of this person. You couldn't find one, so you gave him an honest answer.

"Not a clue", you replied coldly.

He looked down the ground beneath him, not saying a word for a little while. You didn't have all night, and you weren't about to get beat up by the Commander again. You simply shrugged it off and walked past the boy before hearing him say something.

"Armin Arlert…", he muttered.

You stopped in your tracks but didn't turn to face him. You could hear him get up, but you kept your ground.

"My name is Armin Arlert. We both come from Wall Maria and met just a few days before the Colossal Titan appeared. Ever since that day, we were separated from one another. You don't remember that? Nothing at all?" You could hear pain stream through his voice as he tried to hold back a fear unwanted tears.


Blonde hair, blue eyes, and cries at almost everything. It finally clicked.

"A-Armin…?" you repeated in a hushed tone.

A smile came to his face from you saying his name.

"The one and only", he replied.

That's right. You and Armin met a few days before the incident. His grandfather and Raymond were good friends and he would always stop by to play with you. His hair was so much shorter back then, you couldn't even recognize him just now. He was almost like a brother to you, but you had the biggest crush on him since you were 10. You lunged in to hug him around the neck tightly.

"I'm sorry for forgetting, Armin. Please, forgive me…?"

He hugged you back around the waist, hesitantly. Once his arms were around you, he embraced you as if never wanting to let go; a suitable acceptance.

"Wait a minute….why the hell'd you kiss me!?" you demanded as you pulled off of him and jumping back dramatically.

A blush came to his face as he laughed a bit to buy time on finding an answer.

"You looked like you needed one?"

"That's a lame-ass excuse, Armin!"

After that entire event, Armin walked you back to your room. Neither of you knew what to say to one another since you hadn't seen each other in such a long time. 5 years to be exact. You finally made it to your room, but Armin just stood there as if wanting to say something.

"Well, goodnight, then, Armin", you said softly.

"__________, wait." he said.

You turned to face him, waiting for him to continue. FOr some reason, your heart beat was pumping at an unnatural speed.

"…do…do you still love me…?" he asked a little too bluntly.

Your face went red so quickly, you could hardly form words. You stood there in shock before replying.

"Armin", you started, "I haven't seen you in the past 5 years. Love doesn't always stay for one person. You of all people should know that…".

And with that, you entered your room, leaving Armin speechless.

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