{Chapter Three}

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'Smoke weed everyday.'


"Yeah! Everyone's here now let's begin!" Ivy squeals making me snap my head away from Selina to her.

I smile and walk over to the black box from my closet. I open it to where all of my weed stash and equipment is stashed away so my family doesn't find it.

"Good lord. You must really like weed." Selina says nervously chuckling.

I look up to her with a smirk and tilt my head to the side. "Have you ever had weed before Selina?" I ask with a chuckle.

She blushes and shakes her head no. "Not even a cigarette?" I ask which she also shakes her head no.

"Nope, My parents would kill me if they ever heard me do this kind of stuff." She says gesturing to my weed.

I roll my eyes at her. "What about alcohol? Have any of that?" I ask tilting my head and giving her a look.

"Well this one time at my cousins wedding I had champagne-"

"Champagne isn't a-"

"Just leave her alone Harls. Her first time will be with us." Jack snaps and wraps an arm around her shoulder.

I glare at his arm and look at Jack with a sweet fake smile. "I was just asking Jack. Don't need to get all butt hurt." I say rolling my eyes.

I pick of two packets of weed and hand it to Ivy. I then grab two bongs and put them on the glass coffee table. I look at Selina and raises an eyebrow at her.

"Are you gonna smoke with us or not?" I ask trying to sound polite but probably failed. Oh well.

"I-I think I'll just watch." She squeaks making me roll my eyes and turn to Jack.

"What about you? You gonna stop being a ass and get high with your best buddies?" I ask empathizing the word buddies and shoot a look at Selina.

"Of course. As long as I just get a blunt this time." He says sitting down on one of the leather seats. Selina copying him.

"But we always share a bong together." I say my smile dropping and holding up our neon purple bong with my left hand.

Jack shrugs his shoulders. "I don't want to get too high Harley. We have school tomorrow." He says leaning against the couch.

"Since when do you care about school Jack? You never have." I say looking at him with disbelief.

"Just drop it Harleen." He says taking the blunt from my hand.

I stare at him in disbelief before grabbing the bong and lighter. I tell Ivy that I'll be in the back and walk away before she could even talk back.

When I open the back door in the basement, I make sure no one is looking before stepping out and shutting it behind me ever so lightly.

As I walk up the steps to get to my backyard, I can see the moon and stars more clearly and the little stone lights that are along the path that leads to the pool, pond and swing. I walk along it, taking whiffs of the weed now and then until I reach the swing. I sit down and stare up at the night sky.

Why is Jack being so cold?



"I don't think Harley likes me." I hear Selina whisper from beside me.

I pull my blunt away from my mouth and shrug my shoulders. "She's like that with everyone. She'll warm up to you I promise." I say patting her leg making her smile.

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