{Chapter Twenty-Three}

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I put Patch's shirt over his head and kiss his cheeks once his face pops out from under the material making him laugh and I smile.
I pick him up and kiss his forehead before setting him on my hip and walk out of my bedroom.

I pass Josh's room and peek my head through the crack and to my disappointment, he wasn't sitting on his bed playing on his xbox like he usually is.

"Where's uncle Joshy Patch?" I ask my son who is sucking on his fist and let out a sigh as I continue on walking down the stairs.

I walk into the kitchen where Patch's baby diaper sat on the counter packed with all of his necessities and I let out a sigh and grab it before walking into the living.

Today Jack is coming over to pick Patch up so that they can spend time together. I'm nervous to say the least. I've never left Patch alone besides going to school, but not even then was it more than two hours because I only had to have two credits. I wasn't gone most of the day like normal teenagers.

"Patch, mommy's going to go make you an extra bottle. You stay here and play with your toys." I tell Patch as I set him on the floor next to his toys.

I watch him play with his toys for a second before I take his empty bottle out of the diaper bag and quickly fill the bottle up with warm water and baby formula. I shake the bottle as I walk back into the livingroom and smile as I watch Patch crawl over to his swing.

I sit down on the couch after putting the bottle away and rest my legs on the coffee table and watch as he plays with his toys.
A knock on the door is heard, and I let out a shaky breath before walking over to it and open it.

When I open it, Jack stands there with his hands shoved in his black jeans and his face looking down. His green hair is spiked which is unusual and kinda cute. I smile and clear my throat and Jack snaps his head up and smiles a smile that reaches his blue eyes.

"Hey Jack come on in. Patch is just in the livingroom playing with his toys." I say stepping back and giving him room to walk in.

Jack nods his head and walks in the house. I shut the door behind him and Jack looks around the house before his eyes stop on mine and I softly smile at him before walking back to the livingroom where Patch stood playing with one of his monkeys.

"Hi baby!" I gush as I pick him up and set him on my hip. I kiss his cheek and I turn my gaze over to Jack who awkwardly stands over my the entrance and look back at Patch. "There's daddy. Can you say hi?" I ask picking up one of Patch's hands and wave over at Jack.

Jack smiles and walks over to us and I kiss Patch's cheek before handing him over to Jack who smiles down at him as Patch begins to play with his fingers.

"Okay, so I have his diaper bag right here and it has everything in it. Diapers, bottles and change of clothes if he needs anything." I say snapping my eyes away from them and walk over to the couch where the diaper bag is placed.

Jack nods his head and takes the diaper bag from me and puts it on his shoulder of his free arm. "Does he have a nap time?"

I shake my head and Jack nods his head. "No, but if he does get tired, just put him on your bed or couch and put on some cartoon and he'll fall right to sleep."

Jack nods his head and I let out a sigh before looking down at the watch on my wrist.

"Okay, I have to go, but call me if you need anything. I put my number in the bag just in case you didn't have it and I also put Josh and my parents numbers just in case of emer-"

"Harley, it's okay. I got it from here. You can go now so you're not late." Jack interrupts me with a laugh and I blush and nod my head.

"Alright. I guess I should go." I say walking over to them and smile down at Patch and run my finger down his face.

"Mommy will be back soon okay baby? You be good for daddy." I whisper kissing his cheek before pulling away from him. "Thank you so much Jack. I really didn't want to bring him along with me." I say and Jack nods his head.

"Of course Harley. I'm here to take care of my responsibility and if that means I have to watch Patch then that means I will." He says smiling at Patch as he plays with his green hair.

I nod my head and let out a sigh and kiss Patch's cheek one last time before walking out of the house along with them. I walk over to my car and turn to Jack who is holding Patch in his arms and I bite my lip as I look at the two. They look so much alike it's hard to not see that they're father and son.

I wave at them before getting in my car and drive off.

Jack's POV-

Harley gets in her car and I look down at Patch who is still playing with my green hair and I chuckle lowly and kiss his head before walking over to my car.

I placed Patch in his carseat that I got for him yesterday and buckle him up. I hand him his elephant and kiss his forehead before walking over to the driver side and stare at him through the rearview mirror.

"Alright buddy. Let's go cause mayhem togeher." I say laughing making him smile and laugh as well.

It's short and stupid I know, but this is more of a filler.

I actually have something to announce.

I'm having a book cover contest.

Just make me a cover for Gotham High, and DM me it and I'll post it on the next chapter. The best one I like will be the new cover of this book.

Hope you all participate in this and I'll can't wait to see what you guys send me!!

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