{Chapter Twenty-One}

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"Come break me down, burry me, burry me,  I am finished with you." The Kill, Thirty Seconds to Mars.



I was laying on my back staring at the pink and orange clouds in my back yard. The sunset and the clouds remind of Harley. The pink and blue remind me of her hair and he sunset orange sun reminds me of her smile. Put those things together, I see her beauty.

I was smoking a cigarette when a shadow covers my body. Looking up, I stare into Eddie's eyes and roll my eyes and flick at my cigarette.

"What do you want Nigma." I say dragging out the cigarette and Edward smiles and sits down next to me.

"You won't believe who Harvey and I ran into." He says taking a cigarette from the packet and takes the lighter from beside me.

"Let me guess, Selina and Bruce holding hands while they push their daughter in a stroller?" I say rolling my eyes and Edward shakes his head.

After Harley left, I found out two months later that Selina was pregnant with Bruce's baby and only said that it was mine so 'I didn't fall in Harley's trap.'

"What was that?" I ask rolling my eyes and sitting up and look ahead of me where Ivy and Harvey stood in a conversation.

I watch as Ivy squeals and grabs Harvey's hand and drag him and runs over to us, her red hair flying behind her.

"Oh my gosh Jack did Eddie tell you what he saw!" Ivy asks practically jumping on her heels and I shake my head and roll my eyes again.

"No, he was getting to that Red." I say and Ivy rolls her eyes, her smile never leaving her face.

"Harley's back!"

My heart stops and I look at Ivy then at Edward who smiles sheeply and rubs the back of his neck. I glare at Edward. He's hiding something. I know that look. That's the look that a little kid gives when his mom notices that all the cookies are gone and is threatening to ground who ever ate them all.

"But there's something that you're not telling us." I say looking over at Harvey who  stares down at the ground and kicking the dirt. "What one of you boys is going to tell us the other half?" I ask and Edward gulps from beside me.

"You can't hurt me Jack. I still haven't watched last nights Grey's Anatomy!" He says putting his hands up in defense and I roll my eyes.

"Relax buddy, I ain't going to hurt you unless you or Harvey tell us what you're keeping from us." I say and Harvey gulps before pulling Ivy infront of him.

"Jack you can't get mad at us because we don't know evrything." Harvey says hiding behind Ivy and I roll my eyes and nod my head.

"Just spit it out Harvey before I spit it out of you myself." I say clenching my hands into a fist and Harvey nods his head and closes his eyes.


"What?" I say taken back and stare at them, Ivy just a shocked as I am.

Harley has a son?

I take a step back and I shake my head at them. "You're lying. Harley isn't back and she expecially doesn't have a son." I say and Edward nods his head.

"It's true Jack. Harley's back. We saw her with Josh at the ice cream parlor." Harvey says and Edward nods his head again.

"That's impossible. Harley can't have a son. She isn't like those girls to have a baby in highschool." I say and Edward let's out a sigh.

"Jack, trust me. I've seen alot of teen girl movies and TV shows to know the ones that you least expect to have a baby in highschool always do." He says and I shake my head.

"That's impossible. Harley isn't a slut or that kind of girl to have a baby."

Ivy nods her head and points at me. "I agree with Jack here. It seems so unlikely for Harley to have a baby. Are you sure it wasn't a neighbors or someone elses?"

Edward shakes his head and flicks at his cigarette. "Nope. This baby looked like Harley. It's hard not to see the resemblance."

I sigh and look down at my shoes. "Now how am I suppose to get Harley back if she has a kid?" I whisper to myself and Ivy puts her hand on my shoulder.

"Go talk to her. Maybe Harvey and Eddie are jumping to conclusions. Maybe it wasn't even Harley."

"Hey! We aren't jumping to conclusions! Harley told us herself that Catch is her son!"

"Who's Catch?" Ivy and I ask at the same time making Harvey hit Edward in the back of the head.

"You dipshit, his names Patch not Catch." He says and Edward hisses and rubs the back of his head.

I roll my eyes and look over at Ivy. "I'm going to go see if it's really Harley. You coming?" I ask her and she shakes her head.

"No, I think I'll stay here and make sure these two don't kill themselves."

I nod my head and leg out a sigh before walking out of the backyard to Harley's house.



"Come Patch, go to sleep for mommy." I plead as Patch continues on crying in my arms.

I try to sooth him by bouncing him in my arms, but his cries don't stop. I let out a sigh before grabbing my car keys from my dresser an walking out the door. His cries get louder as I step outside and I look down at him with sad eyes.

"Why are you acting like this buddy? Are ya getting sick?" I ask sitting on the patio steps and wipe away his damped blond hair out of his face and wipe at his wet rosy cheek.

"Come break me down, burry me, burry me,  I am finished with you." I sing as I bounce him on my lap and stare into the moonlight sky.


I jump and stand up from the patio and stare over by the dark tall trees, and stare at the tall shadow. I tighten my grip lightly on Patch and pull him closer to my chest as Jack steps out from the under the trees.

His green hair is slicked back and his eyebrows furrowed in confusion as he walks up the patio steps and looks at me with wide eyes.

"It really is you. When Edward and Harvey said you were back, it was hard to believe." He says shaking his head and I bite my lip as I take in his voice.

"It's me." I laugh and Patch let's out a sniff making me look down and softly smile when he stops crying and rubs his eyes with his small fist.

"Who's this?" Jack asks pointing at Patch who lays his head tiredly on my shoulder and I kiss his head before resting my cheek on his head and look at Jack with a smile.

"This is Patch. He's mine and your son Jack."

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