{Chapter Twenty}

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-18 Months Later-

"Patch! Baby come to mommy, come on." I crotch down and hold my arms open and smile over at my son who stands a few feet away from me.

Patch smiles, drool falling from his pink lips and lifts a foot and tries to take a step, but falls on his butt. I sigh and walk over to him and pick him up and kiss his cheek and wipe the drool away.

"Come on bud it ain't that hard to walk is it?" I ask bending over and picking up his toy gun and place it on the arm rest.

"Harleen, he's only nine months old. I don't think he even knows how to properly eat with a fork without using it as a shovel." My brother Josh mutters from the couch and I roll my eyes.

"Don't tell me about my son. He's learning unlike you. Shouldn't you be in school?" I ask sitting down next to him and Josh gives me a look and puts the remote down.

"Shouldn't you be in school too?" He asks and I shake my head.

"You know I graduated last week." I say stealing the remote from him and switching the channel to a hallmark Christmas movie.

"Hey! I was watching that!" Josh says and I stick my tongue out at him. "It's not even Christmas yet. Why are we watching this stupid shit." He says crossing his arms over his chest and I gasp and cover Patch's ears.

"Josh, there is a baby present! And Christmas is in a month. We can watch Christmas movies."

"It's only November Fifth. We still have a couple more days before we hit one month Harley." He says and I shush him as I turn up the tv.

Josh grumbles something under his breath before standing up and walking into the kitchen. I smile and kiss Patch's cheek before sitting him next to me and put my feet on the coffee table.

"Harley, mom says you have to take me to get the new xbox game." Josh says coming back in the livingroom and stands infront of the tv.

"Why can't she?" I ask moving my head over his body and look at the tv again.

"She has to go to some business party with dad."

I groan and look over at Patch who is sucking on his fist before looking over at Josh who stares at me with a pleading look.

"Fine, but you have to change Patch's diaper." I say and Josh jumps up like a little girl and runs over to Patch and picks him up.

"Come on, uncle Josh is gonna change ya."

I roll my eyes and walk over to the kitchen and grab my car keys. I look out the window and bite my lip as a leaf falls off a tree branch.

As long as I don't run into Jack we're fine. I've only been home for a week and I haven't seen him or any of the others. After moving out of town, I got an apartment and raised Patch with the help of my family,  until I graduated from Arkham.

The only people who even know about Patch is my family. I didn't want to tell Ivy, Harvey or Eddie. I feared that they'd tell Jack.

"Alright, his poop is all cleaned up." Josh says walking in the kitchen with patch in his arms.

I turn and smile at them and take Patch from him and kiss both of his cheeks before setting him on my hip.

"Come on, let's go before school gets out." I mutter walking to the garage door.

Josh runs infront of me, and runs to the passanger side of my car. I set Patch in his caraeat before walking over to the driver side and give Josh a serious look.

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