{Chapter Nine}

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I'm feeling in a good mood so I'm going to give ya another chapter.


"You don't own me."



"Five, Six, Seven, Eight!" I scream before doing the cheer routine.

The warm sun shines down my pale face as I stand on the side of the football field and do the cheer routine for the upcoming came this Friday.

I do a triple cartwheel and end it with a front flip before holding my hands in the air. My breathing is heavy and a clap is heard from behind me. I turn and smile over at Ivy who walks down the stadium steps.

"Look who actually showed up today." She says making me roll my eyes.

"Hey Red. What's shakin' bacon?" I ask standing up and shimmy over to her.

She rolls her eyes and shrugs her shoulders. "Nothing. But I have a question for you and you have to promise me that you won't get mad." She says biting her lip.

I give her a suspicious look and put my left hand on my hip. "What do you want?"

"Selina wants to know if she can try o-"

"No." I say immediately and Ivy's smile drops and she crosses her arms over her chest.

"Why not?" She asks glaring at me.

"Because try outs were four months ago Red. And if we let her try out, then imagine how pissed the other girls in the school would be if we let a new person on the team and didn't give them a chance." I say walking over to the table by the bench and taking my water bottle out of my gym bag.

"I don't think that's the problem. I think you're just mad that you were the last to know that Jack and her were dat-"

"Wait." I say clenching my jaw and turning around to face her. "You knew that he was dating her and you didn't tell me?" I shout making the other girls from the squad to look over at us.

Ivy gulps and slowly nods her head. "I'm sorry Harley, Harvey and Eddie wanted to tell you but I said that Jack should have been the one to tell you."

I shake my head glaring at her and pinch the bridge of nose. "Ivy, you should have told me instead of making me seem so clueless."

"Harleen I-"

"No, save it. I obviously know now that my friends keep secrets from me. Do you guys not trust me enough to tell me this stuff?" I ask her and Ivy instantly shakes her head.

"No, that's not the reason at all! It's just that you judge us for our decisions."

I scoff and shake my head. "I thought you were my bestfriend Ivy. You are the one who's suppose to tell me everything."

"If I'm your bestfriend, then why do you tell Jack more than you tell me!"

"You know it's not like that Ivy. He was my brother. I went to him before you because I needed a brain like mine to help me think!" I yell back at her.

By now, people from the football team and cheer team were huddled over at us watching our little fight. Ivy glares at me with her hands on her hips and I do the same.

"Practice is dissmissed." I hiss before grabbing my gym bag and slinging over my shoulder and walk up the stadium steps.

"Harleen! We aren't done talking! Get your ass back down here!" I hear Ivy shout.

I growl and walk over to the gate that divides the tennis court from the football field and lean against it and glare at Ivy.

"You don't own me Pamela!" I yell down to her before storming off.



I was sitting in my dorm with Harvey just sitting on my bed playing with my switch blade when our door is barged open and Ivy storms in with tears falling down her face.

"Ivy, what's wrong? Who made you cry?" Harvey asks jumping up and walking over to Ivy and pulls her into a hug.

I put my switch blade down as Ivy and Harvey take a seat on his bed. Ivy wipes her tears with her hand and Harvey rubs her back.

"Harley and I got into this huge fight in practice. I asked if Selina could try out because you know she's cheer captain and all and then we got into an argument."

"Why did she pick a fight about that? Can't Selina try out?" I ask and Ivy shakes her head.

"No, try outs were four months ago. It wouldn't be fare for the rest of the girls in the school if we let Selina try out." Ivy sniffs and I nod my head.

"So she got mad at you for that?" I ask again and she shakes her head no again.

"She got mad because I told her that we she was the last to know about everything and that got her worked up." I sigh and stand up from my bed.

I grab my jacket from my desk chair and throw it on. Ivy looks at me with a tear stained face.

"Where are you going?" Ivy sniffs out and I turn to her and softly smile.

"I'm going to talk to Harley."

Ivy nods her head and looks down at her lap. Harvey softly smiles at me which I return before leaving the room.


I get to Harley's dorm and knock. The door opens and Selina opens it with a smile plastered on her childlike face.

"Hey baby. What's up? Our date isn't for another two hours." She says opening the door wider and I step in.

"I know. Have you seen Harley? Ivy and her got into a fight in practice and I came to talk to her about it." I say making Selina roll her eyes.

"No I haven't which is a good thing. She's a bitch and I don't like her." I sigh and walk deeper into the room and I stare confused at the plain side of the dorm.

The mattress was plain and the wall that used to have band posters and writings were all gone. Basically, all of Harley's stuff was missing. I turn around as Selina shuts the door and takes a seat on her bed.

"Where is all of Harley's stuff?" I ask and earn a sigh from Selina.

"Yesterday after she left us at the tattoo parlor, she talked to Mr. Arkham and she got her own dorm. I don't know where. I only found out when I came home last night."

"And you didn't call to tell us or anything?" I ask slowly getting irritated.

"I don't see why I had to." She says shrugging her shoulders. "She isn't my friend."

"Yeah well she's my friend. The least you could have done was text me or Ivy saying that Harley switched dorms."

Selina rolls her eyes and stands up from the bed and walks over to me and wraps her arms around my neck, pulling my face close to hers.

"You're making a big deal about this. Just text her or call her and ask what number her dorm is."

I sigh and nod my head. "Okay, but I need to do it now if I want to get this messed fixed."

"Or," Selina whispers kissing me. "We could do something else." She says trailing her hands down my chest.

I groan and push her hands off me and shake my head. "I can't. But I'll see you later for our date." I say kissing her forehead and walking out of her dorm.

Now all I have to do is find out where my Harley Quinn left.

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