Make Me Feel A Severus Snape Fanfiction

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Chapter 1

Dear Eerin

I have entrusted you with my legacy, and now it is time to fulfil it. I have taught you well Eerin, but I do not want you to make the same mistakes as I did. Let someone in Eerin allow yourself to feel and all will be well. Let go of the past and the way will be clearer.

Yours truly G.G                    

Eerin cringed as she read the last part. “Allow yourself to feel let someone in” the words sounded foreign on her tongue no matter how many times she repeated it in her head.

Sighing she got up to pour herself a glass of wine on the kitchen counter, originally it had been a muggle’s house but they were away on holiday so she had to make do with what she had for now until she got a letter telling her where to go. Eerin’s reason for living had died a long time ago along with her ability to trust people. The wine helped to sooth her nerves as she felt her barriers down and memories long forgotten came back to the forefront of her mind.


“Eerin come play with me” Johnny shouted over the raised voices of his parents, waving his toy aeroplane around.

“In a minute” I said, inching towards the open door where the voices where coming from.

“She cannot stay on like this Mary, she has powers the Dark Lord values therefore she must go to Hogwarts and hone her skills in Slytherin” Artemis my adopted father yelled banging his fists on the table for extra emphasis.

“But Beauxbatons is much more suited for her, at least there she will learn how to be the best like the Blacks” Mary whispered frantically waving her arms around.

“Beauxbatons is a waste of her time, and we have specific orders to send her to Hogwarts or have you forgotten whose daughter she is” Artemis snarled, shoving a sealed letter in front of Mary’s face.

Eerin crept out as fast as she could, after all she had already been subjected to the Cruciatus curse a number of times in only one week. Grabbing Johnny’s hand they ran out of the door only stopping to quietly close the door behind them. They reached the park just as another group of people were leaving it.

Eerin grabbed Johnny’s miniature aeroplane to get his full attention.

“Johnny listen to me everything’s going to be okay” she whispered, trying to reassure herself as well as him. “Now go play but make sure that you don’t go to far.”

Johnny ran off as soon as he heard the words go play. Eerin shook her head as she watched him sprint off. Trudging quietly on the gravel she went over to a lone bench overlooking the entire park. She knew that she was going to have to join the Dark Lord eventually after all her powers only appeared every million years. Going to Hogwarts.  Eerin had never really thought about it, but it couldn’t be worse than going to Beauxbatons, at Beauxbatons she was treated like royalty, Madame Maxine adored her and never missed a chance to tell everyone about it, therefore Eerin was shunned by all the other girls, but that didn’t bother her at least she could kill them if they caused her too much of a hassle. Eerin was snapped out of her reverie by a young female voice calling to her.

“Hello” said the girl. Eerin turned around only to see a red haired young lady, beaming back at her.

“My names Lily Evans.”

*End Flashback*

Eerin slammed her glass down onto to the table the wine sloshing over the side of the glass and splattering onto the tiled floor of the kitchen.

Damn Eerin why that memory of all memories that was the start of it all, a voice in her head said angrily questioning her.

Wiping the wine off the floor Eerin hastily went over to her trunk and started packing her belongings, when all of them where in there Eerin closed the trunk and placed a locking spell over the dragon insignia that was imprinted on the lock of the trunk. Lastly Eerin picked up a white mirror from her bed and stowed it away in a ruby red box before placing it with her other important items.

Eerin quickly put the important items in her backpack, when she noticed a heart shaped necklace on the floor. Bending over Eerin opened the necklace where several peoples initials was on there and a picture of a young boy smiling and swinging something around whilst zooming in and out of the picture. Gently she placed the necklace in the pocket of her midnight blue robes.

Before dissaparating in a whirl of darkness.

Albus Dumbledore stood in the dark street where Harry Potter lived. Mulling over the troubling letter  that was sent to him this morning.


Dear Albus

I am writing to inform you that I will be sending a Miss Eerin Beaumont to Hogwarts this year. As you are aware Sirius Black is on the loose and we at the ministry are doing everything in our power to capture him. Therefore we have decided to send Miss Beaumont as extra protection for the school and as an assistant to any of the teachers who need it.

Yours, Sincerely

Cornelius Fudge

Minister of Magic.

End Flashback

Dumbledore obviously remembered Eerin from her time at Hogwarts but she had disappeared completely off the radar after staying only one year at Hogwarts. No one knew where she went and she hadn’t been seen for a long time.  Dumbledore recalled a brown haired girl with golden eyes that seemed to flicker with the sign of darkness. She had been sorted into Slytherin and had developed an unusual relationship with Lily Evans and the marauders, but Dumbledore knew nothing more than that.

What on earth could Cornelius be thinking and why disappear only to come back unexpectedly. With these thoughts in mind Dumbledore dissaparated to Hogwarts to look at the student records.

Eerin Beaumont was a mystery that could potentially become a threat.



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