Chapter 5 He's been Sighted

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Chapter 5

Eerin woke up to see Dumbledore, McGonagall, Snape and Remus crowding around her bed. Dumbledore was speaking earnestly to Remus whilst Snape was looking out of the window seemingly bored with the situation. Eerin sat up in the bed as Remus came running towards her and pushing her back down on to the bed.

“Ahhh Eerin you are awake” Dumbledore said smiling down at her. There was still sunlight streaming in through the windows of the Hospital Wing so she can’t have been out for too long a few hours at best.

“Yes Headmaster, I just wasn’t feeling well” Eerin lied looking at Remus and hoping he hadn’t told them what really happened. From the nod that he sent her way Eerin decided that he hadn’t told anyone.

She made a move to get out of bed when she felt a smooth hand push her back down and force a potion into her throat.

“Save your strength Beaumont, you might need it” Snape sneered his hand still pushing her back down.

“Thank you for the concern Snape but I assure you I don’t need it” Eerin spat her voice coming out a lot harsher then appropriate. A shadow passed over Snape’s face as he looked at her.

“It wasn’t concern Beaumont why would you need it, what with your ahhh powers” Snape snarled looking at her triumphantly as he saw that he had won there little verbal battle.

Eerin decided to just let it go after all she had more important things to worry about, now the whole school knew about her powers, hopefully it would all just blow over and they would forget. If it wasn’t for the Malfoy brat she wouldn’t be in this situation, he’s just like his father she thought inwardly scowling at the memories of Malfoy Senior.

Poppy came bustling in with a foul looking concoction as she ushered everybody out of the Hospital Wing. Dumbledore winked at her before leaving with the rest of them.

Eerin, didn’t want to drink the mud coloured potion that was making it’s way towards her mouth, before it found its destination Eerin pushed Poppy’s hand away.

“I’m sorry Poppy I can’t drink that.... thing whatever it is” Eerin complained looking pleadingly at the nurse. She felt like she was back at Hogwarts and that was not a nice feeling.

“Now listen here Eerin, you drink this and then you can go” Poppy told her still aiming the potion into Eerin’s mouth. Finally Eerin agreed and drank the potion, wincing as it went down her throat.

Poppy tutted as she saw her jump out of the bed grab her wand and then proceed to run out of the Hospital Wing, all the while never looking back.

Eerin decided to go to the Black Lake as she needed to collect her thoughts before she went back to the castle. It was only dinner in the Great Hall, not that important she thought.

“Did you see the fire that came into her arm” Ron exclaimed moving his hand around as if to prove his point. Hermione just sighed as she saw him go on about the new assistant teacher again.

But in all fairness Hermione had begun to like her as well, its not everyday you got to see Malfoy strung in the air and begging. Hermione smiled as she recalled their Care of Magical Creatures lesson, it had been one of the best so far.

Their DADA lesson was really good as well and Professor Beaumont had helped Neville in Potions which he was beaming in for once. Hermione looked around ignoring Ron who was still prattling on about Professor Beaumont but failed to find Harry.

That’s strange she thought he had just gone to get his bag from the DADA class after he’d forgotten it what’s taking him so long?


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