Chapter 4 Accusations and Snarky Professors

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Chapter 4

Eerin woke just as the sun began to seep into her window; her dreams had slowly begun to morph into nightmares as the night grew longer. Sighing she picked herself up from the bed glancing at her alarm clock on the way to the bathroom. Eerin had always been an early riser she had needed it when she was training with the master, and when she was at Beauxbatons.

She scrubbed her face as she looked into the mirror; golden eyes stared back at her burning her with their sharp gaze. She wrapped a cloth over the insignia on her shoulder before putting on her simple dark blue robes.

CLIP CLIP CLIP. The sound of Eerin heels reverberated through the empty halls of Hogwarts, it had been a long time since Eerin had last been at Hogwarts yet the portraits never ceased to amaze her with their rude comments and critical remarks. After what felt like too many left turns Eerin arrived at the great hall.

The whole place was deserted not that many people were as eager to start the day so early. She made her way to the staff table marvelling at the beauty of the castle and sat down to eat her breakfast in peace. Slowly students began to crawl into the hall as the day officially began, Eerin scanned the crowd for any sign of Lily’s son, and unfortunately Harry was nowhere to be spotted.

Eerin slowly slipped away before any of the students realised there was actually a teacher there, soon the hustle and bustle of the castle reached its full capacity and students began running to their class. Unfortunately Eerin’s first class was Divination due to the timetables being switched at the last moment.

The first thing she noticed when she entered the class was the overwhelming stench of perfume that seemed to crash down on your senses. She made her way to the back of the class where a chair had been put for her. Eerin was startled out of her gazing by a gravelly voice speaking to her.

“You are the one that the Dark Lord will hunt, a never ending battle will begin, lives will be lost as the darkness clouds your sense of judgement the fire you have will destroy but may never heal if you do not let go, the boy you are destined to protect will show the way to you as you find out your true lineage and the cloaked man becomes your light source” Trelawney sputtered as though she had something stuck in her throat.

“Terribly sorry my dear just became a bit dizzy there” she smiled making her way towards the desk. The students began to pile in as she told them to read their tea cups. Eerin’s mind was whirring with the pile of information she had just received what does she mean by the fire I have will destroy? And my true lineage?

As Eerin was mulling these thoughts over. She noticed that Trelawney had made her way towards Harry and was holding onto his tea cup for dear life.

“My dear have the grim” she whispered throwing the cup down as she stepped back from it. Everyone gasped as a ravenclaw read out exactly what the grim was.

Eerin wanted to laugh outright had not Trelawney’s speech been keeping her occupied. Eerin truly felt sorry for Harry as she watched a look of shock and embarrassment crawl onto his face. Trelawney let them go before giving Harry a sympathetic look. She was now truly beginning to despise Divinations.

Eerin walked over to Harry, as he was descending the stairs to Transfiguration. She touched his shoulder lightly.

“Are you alright Mr Potter” She asked him sympathetically.

 “Yeah I’m fine thanks Professor” he answered looking at her as if only noticing for the first time that she was actually there.

She walked away as she realized that she was going to be late for Transfiguration if she didn’t hurry up. When she got there she sensed the tension coming from all the students as they all began to whisper.

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