Chapter 2 Dementors

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Chapter 2

Eerin apparated on to a dark alleyway, as she saw a few muggles pass by and go about their daily business with toddlers trailing behind them. The 1st of September was a sunny day and the occupants of muggleLondon were bustling about on the high street that faced Kings Cross Station.

 Slinging her back pack over her shoulder Eerin dragged her trunk through the mass of bodies that were all trying to get to their designated trains.

 Kings Cross never changes, a voice inside her head told her.

 Eerin made her way through the ticket barrier jostling a few people so as to get their first. Spotting an attendant Eerin made her way over to a surly man with a moustache and conductors hat on who was surveying the growing mass of people with severe distaste on his features.

 “Excuse me” Eerin shouted over the noise of the trains. The attendant turned around to her with an annoyed expression on his face.

 “Yes Ma’am how can I help you” he asked bringing out a notepad from the many pockets in his uniform.

 “I was wondering if you knew where Platform Nine and Three Quarters was” Eerin said, immediately the attendants face turned red.

 “Do you think this is some kind of joke, there is no Platform with that name and if you people carry on asking me I will….” He yelled waving his arms about like a wild animal.

Eerin put her hand over her ear and murmured a non verbal spell.


 The attendant’s mouth clamped shut as he tried to make words come out of his mouth. Eerin walked away with a sadistic smile on her face, as she noticed a red headed family and a black haired boy making their way to an archway in the wall.

 Weasleys she thought it had been a long time since Eerin had seen one but she could recognize Molly Weasleys hair from anywhere.

 Slinking through the bodies that separated them Eerin discreetly watched them as she saw two boys glide into the archway.

 Ahh she thought that’s how they do it. When the last one of them had gone Eerin made her way through the archway and stopped to witness the scene happening before her very eyes.

 Parents and children were milling about the platform as they said there goodbyes to each other. Whilst younger ones were crying over the injustice of not going to Hogwarts yet. A group of boys were standing in the corner apparently selling sweets to each other. But that wasn’t it, in the middle stood a red train that was gushing steam with the words Hogwarts Express written on it.

 Eerin snapped herself out of her daydream as she put her trunk in the train keeping her backpack on her though. Stepping on she noticed that many people had already boarded it and the doors we closing. Eerin walked to the teachers part of the train and sat down on the comfy chairs that were situated in the compartment.

 Wrapping her cloak around her shoulders Eerin fell asleep as she felt the trains gentle movement beneath her.


 “Eerin you need to do it faster, that is nowhere near powerful enough, summon it let it come to you” Maser instructed as he guided my wand to point at the black rock that had been put in the path of my wand.

 I focused all my energy on to my wand building the magic inside of me to a high level to blast the rock to pieces.

 “Maximum Alcester” I shouted jabbing my wand in the air. Again nothing happened, I was starting to get frustrated as we had been practicing the spell for ages.

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