Chapter 3 Green Eyes and Unwanted Memories

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Chapter 3

Everybody turned to look at the latecomer who had just arrived dripping wet, Eerin walked between the tables calmly making her way to Dumbledore as she heard.

“Who the bloody hell is she”

“She’s late isn’t she?”

Amongst many other greetings. After many stares and exclamations she reached the ageing headmaster that had a wide smile on his face. Dumbledore opened his arms widely as a way of welcoming her.

“Welcome back to Hogwarts Eerin, perhaps we can have a chat in my office later” He smiled shaking her hand.

“Thank you Headmaster, excuse my lateness I was detained” she whispered into his ear.

Dumbledore just patted her arm as he addressed the school again.

Eerin made her way to the only empty chair which was at the corner of the staff table she got a few stares from some of her colleagues as she was sitting down. By now the whole school was staring at the latecomer who was dripping wet and seemed unperturbed by the fact that she was extremely late. The chair made a screeching noise as Eerin pulled it out for herself.

“Welcome to a new year at Hogwarts, now I’m sure you are all aware that we have a new edition to the school this year, now the dementors are not to be taken lightly I urge you not to get in their way and no harm will come to you.” Professor Dumbledore said sternly whilst glancing at the Gryffindor and Slytherin tables. “On a happier note I would like to welcome a new Professor into our midst, Professor Beaumont will be an assistant teacher this year and will be helping any students who need any extra assistance. Now off you trot to your warm beds.” He winked opening the great door halls with a wave of his wand.

All the students rose and bustled out as prefects tried to maintain order whilst giving directions to first years and talking to friends whom they hadn’t seen for the duration of the holidays.

There were only the staff and Headmaster left now as all the students had gone off to bed. Dumbledore looked happily at all of them before introducing Eerin.

“As you are all aware Eerin will be with us for this year and will be helping in all of the subjects mainly Potions, Defence against The Dark Arts and Transfiguration but if anyone should want to have Eerin’s assistance they need only ask for her help” He beamed looking at all of them expectantly.

“Well welcome to Hogwarts then Professor Beaumont” Professor Sprout said shaking her hand enthusiastically. “Yes Welcome to Hogwarts” squeaked Professor Flitwick smiling at her from his chair.

“You wouldn’t happen to have attended Hogwarts would you Professor Beaumont” asked Professor McGonagall curiously. Eerin smiled tightly as she realised that if Professor McGonagall knew remembered her then so would Professor Snape and Lupin.

“Yes I came here but I only attended for one year before leaving” she replied looking at the Professor’s faces to see if any of them recognized her. She saw a flicker of recognition on Professor Snape and Professor Lupin’s face before avoiding their gazes.

“Did you not disappear for a very long time Professor Beaumont” sneered Snape as he looked at her coldly.

“Yes I did Professor Snape” she informed him coolly, countering his cold gaze with one of her own.

“Now that we have that all cleared up I’m afraid I must steal Professor Beaumont from you” Dumbledore clapped before standing up and making his way towards his office.

Eerin smiled at them all avoiding Professor Lupin’s gaze and followed the Headmaster to his office.

Meanwhile In The Gryffindor Common Room

“Did you see how wet she was” exclaimed Ron as all the Gryffindors crowded round him speaking about the mysterious new Professor.

“Yeah and she came really late” said Dean Thomas

“But she was really pretty” giggled a Sixth Year Gryffindor girl.

Hermione Granger sighed as she listened to her friends speaking about the new Professor. Honestly she came late what was the big deal? What was bugging her was the fact that Harry had said his scar was hurting. Why would it be hurting she thought its not like there was any danger. Think again Hermione a voice in her head said. Of course how could she be so stupid it was the dementors but they weren’t in the Great Hall.

Come to think of it Harry’s scar started hurting when the new Professor came in.

“Do you think she will be nice?”

Hermione slammed her book shut before storming up to her dormitory. Honestly they were really beginning to bug her.


“Do you understand Eerin” questioned Dumbledore staring at her through his half moon spectacles.

“Perfectly Headmaster” she answered.

“Excellent now your living quarters will be in the dungeons and your first class tomorrow funnily enough is Potions.” He beamed popping a yellow sweet into his mouth.

Eerin nodded before making her way towards the door she looked back to see the Headmaster studying her curiously just as the stairs started to move downwards.

It had been a pretty cautious conversation, the Headmaster had informed her of what Sirius Black was convicted of and how Voldemort would probably come back one day he had not asked where she had gone. He had told her that the Minister had a very high opinion of her, Eerin smirked as she realized that her Imperious curse had been beneficial after all.

So lost was she in her thoughts that it took a minute for her to realize she had bumped into someone. Immediately she began apologizing.

“I’m sorry, I had no idea there was someone there” she cried trying to help the insuspecting person up. She froze as she was met with a pair of startling green eyes.

“Lily” she choked staring into the eyes that she remembered from her childhood, the eyes that had been haunting her sleep. She saw them wince in pain.

“Uhh no my names Harry Potter Professor” the boy answered touching his scar and looking at her curiously.

“I’m sorry, of course you are. Excuse me” she hastily said pushing past him to get to the dungeons.

Eerin ran as soon as she was out of site, not many students were up so they couldn’t see that the new Professor had lost all her composure. As soon as she got to the dungeons Eerin went to her living quarters not even unpacking her belongings. She took out her wand and started pulling silvery white strands from her head.

When she had took nearly all of them out she accioed her pensive and put them in one by one tears brimming at the front of her eyes but never coming out. She collapsed onto her bed as soon as she took the last one out, memories of her year at Hogwarts memories of them flashing in front of her eyes haunting her and accusing her for trying to forget.

The last thing Eerin remembered was a pair of curious green eyes before she fell into a fitful sleep.



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