Chapter 6 Hogsmeade and Misunderstandings

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Chapter 6

Eerin was fuming as she swept her room for her rucksack, Sirius Black was in the castle and she had him in her clutches. Eerin was debating whether or not to tell Dumbledore about Sirius’s animagus form, however if Dumbledore knew then he was bound to make her job difficult then it would be even harder to carry out Masters orders and protect Harry.

 Speaking of Harry she needed to warn him not to approach Sirius ever again, it was a good thing she had not blurted his name out. Eerin gave a cry of triumph as she finally found her rucksack, rummaging through it she took out a jagged mirror taking a deep breath she sat on the edge of her bed and took out her wand.

 “The wind cries when the darkness speaks” she whispered into the mirror.

Immediately the screen became foggy and an old mans face appeared in it.

 “You have news for me I assume Eerin” the man asked his eyes boring into her.

“Yes master I apprehended Sirius Black, unfortunately he escaped just as I was finishing the killing curse” she dutifully answered. “Also Harry was with him when he was in his animagus form as of yet he does not know that it was Sirius Black” She continued her voice taking on an angry tone.

The man looked at her sharply searching for something, that he seemed unable to find. “And what of you Eerin how is Hogwarts treating you?” he questioned his eyes taking on a kinder look.

“As good as one can expect Master after all I came here for business not pleasure”

The man gave a resigned sort of sigh as he realized he wasn’t going to be able to break through the cold exterior of his student.

“Very well Eerin, keep me informed of what’s happening” He said looking at her fondly. “Oh and Eerin watch out for Dumbledore you may want to be on your guard with him, he is very perceptive and after today you will definitely need to be careful about what you say.” He warned.

“I will Master” she replied as the mans face disappeared in a cloud of smoke.


Severus strode back to the castle his robes billowing around him like a storm. He was furious. How dare that little wench make him look for her and then have the gall to apparate away like that. And that was another thing she was within the Hogwarts boundary she shouldn’t have been able to apparate away like that.

 The students cowed away from their potions master as he went into the castle seemingly in a horrific mood. Severus went straight up to the headmasters office as he wanted an explanation for the enigma that was Eerin Beaumont.

 Knocking he went in as he was allowed entry by the wizened voice of Dumbledore.

"Ahhh Severus I'm glad you could come" Dumbledore smiled moving to sit in his chair and beckoning for Severus to come closer.

Severus steeled himself for what was about to come.

"So was Professor Beaumont in any danger or was it just a false alarm" Dumbledore suggested although from the look in his eye it was clear that he thought otherwise.

"According to Professor Beaumont it was a false alarm Albus, although she looked as though she had seen a ghost" Severus thought it wise not to tell the Headmaster that she had apparated out in darkness he wanted to be the one to figure out that mystery.

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