His reaction to you wanting to hunt

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Dean- "No. No way Y/N, your crazy, i'm not dragging you into this too." he Stated before adding something a little more quiet, "I love you way to much to do anything like that."

Sam- "That.." he sighed, "That's not a smart idea." he stated simply giving you his signature puppy dog eyes, "But sammmmm!" you whined but he simply cut you off, "I'd hate myself  if you got hurt..." 

Castiel- "Why would you want to do that?" he questioned tilting his head slightly, "That is not a very good thing to do Y/N" 

Gabriel- "Oh sugar please." he said with a snort, "You wouldn't make it a day in a hunters shoes." he mocked.

Lucifer- "You what?" he said anger flying onto his normally calm face, you took a step back, it was never good when he was mad, "I..I" you stuttered trying to make him calm down ever so slightly "Why? do you really think you'd be good at being a hunter? you'd be on the constant run from others." His features turned soft as he said it, "I'd never be the same if you got hurt." 

GARTH- (I LOVE HIM IM SORRY) - He grinned, "You do? oh! We could be hunting partners!" he exclaimed happily, Then a small smirk fell onto his face, "You'll need a bit of training from the master himself first of course." he said pointing to himself. 

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