Merry Christmas

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(if you don't celebrate feel free to skip over this one!)

Sam~  Sam was never really a holiday person, you seen that first hand, when Dean was going to hell and wanted to celebrate Sam didn't understand why, but ever since you started working with the boys every year you had something new planned, Ice skating, movie marathon, name it, you already thought of it, dean always said  you made him a happier person and it sorta made you feel good, and of course this year to prove his theory Dean Planted mistletoe's around the bunkers, specially in places you and Sam were a lot,  and you could guess you and him got stuck under one together withen ten minutes, both blushing messes. 

Dean~ Dean, like Sam, wasn't a very holiday savvy person, and don't get me wrong, you weren't either but this year it was different, you wanted change, and as soon as you told Dean you wanted to go ice skating well, let's just say his response was expected, "Ice Skating?" he snorted, "What Do you think this is Whoville?" he asked, you let out a soft sigh and nodded, not feeling the need to fight his childish attitude, but no more then five seconds after you turned around you heard him call, "Ill go Start Baby" and that put a smile on your face. 

Castiel~ Cas didn't quite understand the whole 'Gift Giving' thing, he thought Christmas was meant as a day of celebration for his brother's birthday, but after extensive, and I mean EXTENSIVE explanation he finally agreed to go shopping with you, and he ended up buying you more then you could carry, he thought you deserved it after all, you are just as much of an angel to him as Jesus was. 

Jack~ Jack loved Christmas, all the lights and the trees and the candy, especially the candy, and he wanted his first Christmas to be the best, so you took it upon yourself to make it the best, and even with the brothers protest, you forced them to get a tree and lights and decorate before Jack got home with Cas, and let's just say, he hasn't stopped talking about it since. 

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