Chapter 12: Just like you

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Dan worked his butt off the rest of the day, with the help of Lilith of course.He looked over at Mr.Osshen sitting by the windows, the sun shining in his face.Dan walked up to him, wiping his hands on his apron, he sat down across from him.
"How did you know what to do, when I was upset ?"
Mr.Osshen smiled
"I'm a grandfather, it's my job to know"
"Your a grandpa?" Dan asked
"Yes and you've met my granddaughter Lilith"
Dan looked behind him to see Lilith cleaning up for the day
"I had no idea" he said turning back around
Mr.Osshen laughed
"Lilith might not want me telling you this, since she thinks all big and bad.But when she was eight years old, she truly knew what she was"
Mr.Osshen walked down the hall of his home when he heard silent sobs coming from a room.When he opened the door, he found his granddaughter sitting on the floor, holding her stuffed bear.
"Hey muffin are you ok?" Mr.Osshen asked bending down to her level
"Grandpa, am I a monster?"
Mr.Osshen laughed " of course no, why would you think that"
Lilith sniffed "Grandpa we eat people, no one at school does that"
Mr.Osshen held her close
"Your not different, your just like the other kids, your diet is just different that's all"
Lilith held her bear closer
"I don't want to kill people!" She cried
"You don't have to sweetie. Those ghouls that kill people are the true monsters"
"Lilith was just like you, petrified and lonely. She finally found a friend in Jess but.... she turned evil and dragged Lilith a long with her, Lilith had never eaten someone alive before....until she met Jess"
"So you've only been feeding me dead people?" Dan asked
Mr.Osshen nodded
"People who have died two weeks in advanced"
"Have you ever eaten anyone alive before?" Dan questioned
Mr.Osshen shook his head
"Thank you for helping me today"
"It was my pleasure" Mr.Osshen smiled
Dan heard the chime of the bell and looked up, Mr.Osshen turned around
"Oh no it's him"
"Good afternoon Evan and who is this little man?"
He looked at Dan with a disturbing glimmer in his eye
"This is Daniel, he's working here" Mr.Osshen snorted
Dan could tell that Mr.Osshen didn't like him very much, The man walked up and grabbed Dan's hand and shook it.
"The name is Charlie, glad to meet you Daniel!"
"It's Dan"
Charlie smiled and looked at Mr.Osshen
"Evan I've got some horrible news, a group of evil from the agency have killed Mari and Jackie's father"
Mr.Osshen stood up quickly
"What!" He yelled
"It's true"
Mr.Osshen shook his head
"I'm not going to tell least they are safe here with us"
Charlie nodded and looked back at Dan
"What's with the eyepatch, are you a pirate?" He laughed
Dan blushed and looked away
"Charlie stop it" Mr.Osshen
Charlie shrugged and started to walk out
"See you later Evan"
Then he was gone

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