Chapter 19: I do care

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Dan got wide eyed, the one person he was hoping he'd never see in this certain predicament, it was Phil.
"Phil?" Dan asked in complete shock as he wiped his mouth
Phil came up to him with tears in his eyes
"How long?" He asked
Dan got close to Phil but when he did Phil backed off
"Answer me long!" He yelled fidgeting with the gun in his hand
"Answer me this Phil why are you here?" Dan asked
Phil backed up even further
"I'm here to see the half ghoul they captured....I would have never guessed it was you"
Dan started to walk past Phil as the black haired boy started to cry
"Why didn't you tell me?"
Dan stopped
"I was afraid you'd kill me or worse hate me"
Then he kept on walking out the door leaving Phil standing there...In pain.
Dan decided to go and look for the men who had kidnapped him, one down 3 to go.
Outside looked like the purge was going on, Ghouls and humans were everywhere attacking each other;Bodies and blood could be smelt for miles. He attacked one of the men and eventually killed him in cold blood.
He looked up and saw that it was Mr.Osshen and Lilith, Dan flashed an evil grin.
"Oh hey guys" he said wiping his bottom lip
"Dan, what are you doing, this isn't you!" Lilith cried out
Dan laughed "I'm being who and what I truly am...a ghoul"
Mr.Osshen got closer to Dan "Not all ghouls are bad" he said taking in a deep breath
"What about your best friend Phil, what would he think?" Lilith asked
Dan huffed "Phil, he doesn't care about me"
"What do you mean I don't care about you!"
Dan looked behind him and saw
Phil holding up his gun....pointing it straight at .......

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