All But Mute

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Zelda's figure looked surreal in the glow of twilight. Her skin had turned all the more pale, her hair an even darker gold, and her dress's colors mellow. But nothing looked as striking nor as alarming as Luna. She shone out like the Sols, suns of the twilight realm, white and glorious. What struck him most, however, was the fact she had not turned into a spirit. Only those blessed by the gods with specific power could escape this fate. What could it possibly mean?

Her wings retracted from him slowly, her face almost heavenly in its own inner light.

Luna? All that came out, however, was a dog's whimper. He inwardly cursed. Now he was as mute as she was. Both women had their eyes on him. Unnerved by the attention, he got to his feet and padded about the room before sitting down on his haunches. Standing next to Zelda and the slender form of Luna, he was reminded of just how large of a creature he transformed into. He always appreciated that at least, for what if the goddesses had changed him into something less impressive, say, like a squirrel? That would've really sucked.

Honking came from outside. Black shadows passed the shaded window. For a good minute or so there was an awkward silence, for two of their number were mute and two more were simply spirits, leaving only the Princess the ability to speak. At some point she cleared her throat.

"I suppose we won't get anything done hanging around here. We should probably see the extent of the...damage."

Luna's wings rustled as she tucked them tightly behind her. She wouldn't meet the princess's eyes. Link smelt a mixture of fear and guilt in the air and his ears perked up. He examined the winged girl besides him curiously. It was difficult to make out her expression amongst all the white shine. He could barely make out her stone anymore, now a strange shade of lavender.

"Am I...well, understood? This is so odd. I feel like I'm talking to myself."

His ears flattened at this. Hey, he may have turned into a wolf, but he was still Link—which was a human certainly.

Luna nodded for him, then pointed at the spirits with a frown. Zelda looked confused.


Luna opened her mouth, hesitated, then gave up. Link's heightened instincts somehow picked up on what she meant, however, and he nuzzled her hand reassuringly. The guards would be all right for now. Scared as hell, but all right. It was difficult to harm a spirit as it was.

The winged girl and the wolf followed the princess out the door and down the darkened halls. Flecks of blackness rained up from the floor, as though the world were shedding fleck by fleck. Along the way they came upon more glowing orbs, which Luna eyed uncertainly. Once she fell behind and he had to nudge her forward with his muzzle for her to catch up. As she looked down at Link, expression uneasy, it occurred to him that the girl was taking his transformation into a beast rather well for having only known him for two days.

I know you, Link. You are why I am here.

He mentally shook himself. That was crazy. He was sure he would've remembered meeting a pale beautiful girl with huge white wings. Besides, as far as he knew the girl had amnesia...

A shiver prickled his fur along his back. His senses tingled. Up ahead he thought he could hear the tall-tale rattles of Twili. Leaping in front of Zelda he glared forward, lowering his jaws to the ground, and growled. As Zelda just stood there, looking surprise, Luna stepped up besides her, jaw set.

Orbs of various shades of green and yellow came flying up from below. He caught brief images of people running for their lives. And behind them, sure enough, were several flat faces framed by masses of black, tentacle-like hair: corrupted Twili.

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