Chapter 1

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-3rd person POV-

Its a beautiful summer morning, the birds are singing, kids running around, adults working or talking among themselves, and there are some teens playing pranks, like a snow white gravity defying head bright blue eye young man

"Blake!!! Im going to kill you!!!" someone screams so loud the whole village hears it

"Oh some on Sammy, you look great like that!" the young white head bog yells back to a blond haired girl with dark eyes pretty much she was a mini Alex but with Kakashi's eyes, much quieter then Sammy did, as he runs out of the house and down the village streets

Sammy chases after him down the street with rage in his eyes and a dagger in her hand (i know they dont call them daggers but its easier for me).

After that little thing Alex slowly gets out of bed trying not to wake Kakashi since he knows Kakashi will want morning sex. Alex successfully gets out of bed and gets his clothes then runs to the hall bathroom to shower since Kakashi wont have sex with him in that shower.

After Alex gets into the shower his oldest boy, who was a mini Kakashi but with white hair, goes down stairs in sweat pants and a tank top and a mask on his face, like Kakashi does all the time, well the mask he wares anytime he's outside his house or if they have guests over, and starts making breakfast.

The smell of food cooking goes up stairs and reaches the nose of the youngest child of Alex and Kakashi. A young boy only a year younger then his siblings but had a small frame and looked younger then he really was. He had gray hair like his father Kakashi but like either of his parents he has long like his sister Sammy whos hair went to her butt like this young boy, fox ears and tail like his mother Alex but his fur was gray like his hair. This boy also had bright blue eyes like Alex until you got him mad, if you got him mad they would go dark like Kakshi's.

This young boy slowly gets out of bed and drags himself out of bed in his pjs which were one of Kakashi's long sleeves shirt that goes to the young boy's knees and he wore booty shorts he got from Sammy. The young boy gets out of bed and slowly drags himself out of his room and down the stairs to the kitchen and he sits down at the table laying his head down on it

"Morning Sidney, how did you sleep?" the mini Kakashi, who is almost as tall as Kakashi now, asks his youngest brother

"Bad.......i could hear Blake and Sammy arguing last night and this morning" Sidney says with a growl then a whine/whimper

"You heard them threw your double sound prof room? Wow you have amazing hearing........." Andrew says with a frown, like his parents Andrew worries a lot about Sidney, "How about tonight i put them to sleep before you go to bed so you can sleep well tonight?"

"Yes please" Sidney says as he lifts his head and smiles sleepily to Andrew who smiles a bit under his mask

"Good, now want to go wake dad? Im sure mom is already up and in the shower"

"He is and ok!" Sidney gets up and runs up to his parents room

Unlike Sammy who grew out of her 'daddy is my hero' faze very quickly Sidney still loves his dad more then anything and is a HUGE daddy's boy

Sidney runs into his parents room not knowing Kakashi is naked and only has a blanket covering him. Sidney runs to Kakashi and jumps on top of him making Kakashi groan slightly since Sidney doesn't weigh enough to hurt Kakashi with all his weight

"Daddy wake up! Wake up daddy!" Sidney screams loudly at Kakashi till Kakashi flips them over and starts tickling Sidney who is now squealing and laughing like crazy

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