Chapter 3

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We had been moving for a day now and i knew something wasnt right. I felt super sick and i knew it meant i was coming down with something but i didnt want to stop Blake or Sammy who were paying me no mind and kept moving. After a while i stop and rest on the ground for a moment to try and let the nauseous pass.

Blake and Sammy dont notice i stopped since they kept moving. I sit down by a tree and take deep slow breaths but then end up throwing up. After i finish throwing up i notice everything is dead quieter. Fearing the worst i grab a stick and brake it but i dont hear anything then my vision gets blurring

While i was trying to fight the tiredness that has hit me i smell 2 guys comes toward me then i see the outline of them one squatted down in front of mem, i think he was talking to me

"Sorry.........over heating.......lost hearing...........can barely see.........need cold......." i barely say, well i think i said it out loud, then i fall but feel myself land on something cold and it smelled like a snake but also not a snake, oh well too tired to think


I slowly open my eyes and find myself laying in a soft bed. I look around and see its an empty room that was freezing, well it felt great to me. Everytime i breathed i could see my breath making me giggle a little. After a few minutes i get out of the bed and go over to the door and try to leave but its locked. Frowning i make my nail grow and stick it in there and move it around till the door becomes unlocked. Smiling i leave the room and sniff the air quickly getting the scent of the snake thing i smelt

I follow the smell threw the maze of hall ways then stop in front of a door. I knock and hear a 'comes in' then open the door to find a pale man with long black hair sitting at a desk writing not even bothering to look up at me

"Has she woken up yet


" the pale snake man asks

"Has who woken up?" the man quickly looks up at me in surprise, and i was a bit surprised when i saw his yellow snake eyes, "And whos Kabuto?"

"How did you get in here little one?" the man quickly smiles though he was still shocked

"I got out of the cold room i was in and followed your scent" i smile happily then look around to see the walls are blank and boring

"How did you get out?"

"Im part fox, foxes can get out of almost anything" i tell him while i keep looking at the walls

"What!? Where is she??" i barely heard down the hall probably where i was sleeping

"Hey mister snake man, im i the girl you were refiring to?" i turn back to the snake man


"Im not a girl, im a boy" i smile a bit then giggle at his confused face, "Girls have a vagina, i have a dick"

"Hmm, well you look like a girl" he leans back in his chair a bit

"I know, mommy and daddy say the same thing. Oh also i think that Kabuto guy was just at my room. Nows he's running here" i tell the snake man as i hear the other guy running, by the speed he's going he wont see me in time to stop so i move out of the door way

Sure enough in rums a man with glasses and gray hair but he looks young

"Sir the girl is gone" he says with a slight pant and fear in his voice

"Actually out guest us a boy, and he's right there" snake man points at me and the Kabuto guy turns and looks at me shocked

"Hi! Im Sidney"

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