Chapter 5

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-Kakashi POV-

I slowly open my eyes to see Alex asleep in his sitting position and his hand tangled in my nasty hair. I smile a bit since this is the only way i can sleep now and Alex doesn't even care my hair is dirty, he still plays with it to relax me. After a moment I carefully get his hand out of my hair then get up to go check on Sammy, another few days and she'll be ok to move around again and i know she cant wait. She's like her mom when it comes to that, she hates being cooped up just like Alex was when he was pregnant with Sidney. So i may have gone over board when i found out but come on, last time my love was pregnant his ex-friend kidnapped him then Orochimaru kidnapped him and wanted to do experiments on him and my kids

Sighing at the thought i peek my head into Sammy's room and find her playing with Blake's hair while he sleeps, not so peacefully, cuddling onto Sammy

"Can you ease up on him dad?" i look up from Blake to see Sammy looking heart broken, "I get you miss Sidney and you blame both yourself and Blake but dad...........this is the only thig that gets Blake to sleep and even then he still has nightmares and cries and doesn't truly get any rest. He feels so guilty that he will get sick if he isnt careful"

I sigh and come over and look down at Blake whos clinging to Sammy and is crying in his sleep and muttering Sidney's name and apologising over and over again

"Your right.........." i gently rub his face with the back of my hand, "Now that i think about it i was just like him when your mother was kidnapped, though unlike him i didnt have anyone to comfort me, well i did but non could. Hell i could barely look at Naruto without crying or apologizing. Ill ease up a bit"

"What happened?" i look at her confused, "When mom was kidnapped, you two never talk about it"

I sit down in the chair and sigh yet again, "Well you see back when your mom was about Sidney's age he has only just recently found out he had a brother, thats why he came to the village. After he came here Lady Tsunade told me to look over him to make sure he was treated right. As you know your mother has eyes all over her body like Sidney so he knew i was there, he loved to tease or flirt with me or make me crazy out of wonder on if he liked me or if it was my hormones" Sammy giggles and nods knowing thats something mom would do, "Anyway, after a while he choice to stay here and be a true ninja. He was put on my team, though he was like my equal, and on our first, and only, mission we had to take some travelers home. One of them happened to be a guy your mother knew when he was up north. On that mission is when your mother got pregnant with you three" i wink and she gags, "And her ex-friend did a snow justu that made this high pitch sound only your mom could here and kidnapped him. Im not sure what all happened when he was with his ex-friend but i know at some point the guy was taking your mom to a man's hide out, he thought it'd be safe for him little did he know that man was going to use your mom and you three as experiments. Thankfully we got your mother back safely, sadly Andrew was born in the man's hide out while you and Blake were born in the woods and i wasnt there during any of your births"

"So thats why you reduced to leave mom when we was having Sidney" Sammy smiles softly and sadly

"Ya, i already missed you three being born and i didnt want to miss Sidney's birth" i smile a kittle as i think back to that day

"We'll find him dad, he'll be back in your arms before you know it" Sammy says determinedly and holds my hand

"Your right, thank you Sammy" i lean forward and kiss her forehead

"Your welcome, now go shower you reek" she covers her nose and gets a disgusted look on her face making me chuckle

"Ya ya i know im going"

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